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"What's the damage?" Namjoon called out as he strolled through the dimly lit warehouse. The floor was covered in thousands of dollars worth of fine white powder and littered with the wreckage of guns and ammo now rendered useless.

Suga and J-Hope were standing with him, observing in silent horror as their men surveyed and cleaned up the wreckage.

"Bennie, keep your mask on!" Suga ordered as he saw one man sliding his mask off and leaning a little too close to the ground as he picked up the wreckage.

"Security system was wrecked, they took a good bit of our supplies and just trashed the rest. Not much is salvageable, it's going to be a hard month." Suga said begrudgingly.

Namjoon cursed before asking "Any eyes on who did it?"

"Yes and no, they wrecked the security system before we could see anyone's faces," Suga started, hesitating at the second bit.

"But..." Namjoon prompted.

J-Hope shifted and sighed, "They left a fucking tag." He said, his eyes displeased as he looked at the warehouse wall.

At that, Namjoon turned, shocked to see the wall facing them was covered in fresh spray paint, a bird in flight with dripping black tipped wings.

Namjoon roared in anger at the thought of it all.

"You mean to fucking tell me the Black Tip's take full claim of this job?" He growled.

Suga only nodded, his jaw set.

This had to be more than revenge for the petty turf war last week, this was a big move to retaliate.

The shrill ring of Namjoon's phone echoed in the silence. It was Jin.

Namjoon was tempted to ignore the call, unable to get his thoughts in order for a conversation.

The phone rang again and he sighed in frustration, "What is it!" He snapped.

"There's been a shooting," Jin said quickly.

Namjoon felt the walls tilt as he was hit with a wave of vertigo at the news.

He grabbed J-Hope and Suga and dragged them outside the warehouse and out of earshot of the Army inside before he put the phone on speaker.

"A shooting where?" He asked.

"The club, we're all safe but,"

Namjoon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Just talk, muffin."

Immediately, all three of them were on alert as Jin gave a quick debriefing of the situation making sure to highlight how well Jungkook led and got it under control.

"The event was too public, the police have to take them into custody," Jin ended.

"I'm on my way, I need to talk to them before the police come." RM growled.

"No, it's best you stay there. Jungkook and I can handle it. Go back to the Den when you're done, I don't want any of you alone." Jin said.

"What's this about, Jin?" RM demanded.

"We searched them before the cops got here."

Namjoon stood straighter at the news, "Are they marked?"

"...now, we don't know their motives, yet. If they were acting alone or under orders."

"Are the shooters marked?" Namjoon questioned again, growling out each word.

"They're with the Black Tips."

Namjoon heard the glass in his phone crack as he tightened his grip.

"Joon?" Jin questioned worriedly.

"We'll talk at the house," was all Namjoon offered before hanging up the phone and turning to his men.

The Black Tip's, their rival gang in the 6th ward, has been encroaching on BTS territory for over two years. Constantly pushing the limit of where BTS's power ends and theirs begins.

Namjoon has tried to be peaceful and not escalate things in the past, a gang war is no simple or easy thing. It, not only, would take a toll on his men, but the entire community, as well.

Innocent people would die or fall victim in the divide. Politicians may try to get involved if it gets too messy. And he did not need that on his back.

"This is too much," Suga said, breaking RM from his enraged spiral.

"Jumping Jungkook, trailing Y/N, the turf war, the shooting, the warehouse." Hoseok listed off in dread.

"What's the next move boss?" Suga asked.

"Well, there's no doubt about it that we're at war. It's time we hit back." Namjoon answered.

A/N: sorry for such a short update. The last chapter was getting really long so I decided to split it in two. We're finally settling in the real plot and action. Thank you for riding with me this far please take the time to vote and comment if you've enjoyed it!!

Small Hiatus:
I'm sorry to say I will be taking a small hiatus :( it is finals week for me and then I have to move back home and start at my internship again. I will just need some time to get settled and then back in the grove of writing. I'm estimating to be gone for two weeks to a month. Then I should be back to weekly updates! I'll keep you updated on my page if something changes so please check there before demanding an update in the comments! :)

Thank you for all the love and support!

Fighting!! <3

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