Next door

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You always saw him. When you were leaving the house. Entering the house. Even your bedroom windows aligned. He was unescapable.
You had lived in this house for a few years but only over the last month or two had you seen any activity from the house opposite yours. He had blue hair. People always going in and out, you knew there was something going on but you'd never dare to ask. You'd watch him through your bedroom window. Your window sill was big enough to sit on so you'd watch him on there. You'd watch him in his room writing or reading by the window. You knew he could see you but whenever he looked up to you staring, you'd look down at your book and pretend to be 'the mysterious girl next door.'
You'd just gotten out of your shower, kai was once again at his window writing things down. Your curtains were open but that didn't stop you from getting changed. You did it just in view of the window so he could just about see your body but it would look like you were doing it accidentally.
You saw him out of the corner of his eye stroking his dick through his pants. You put on a black thong and had a thin tank top on so he could clearly see your nipples. You sat down as his stroking got more intense. He dropped his pen and leant his head back in pleasure but still looking at you, you still pretended to not see him, you wanted to tease him even more so you began playing with your clit over your panties, he saw this making him increase speed. You thought to yourself whether or not you wanted him to know your looking at him, but in the spare of the moment you slowly turned your head to look at him, you slowly pulled your knees up and slid you hand down your panties. He sat there watching you in awe as he began to do the same thing. You were now fingering yourself with the sight of kais hand going up and down his hard big dick, you both stay there, making eye contact through each one of your windows, aggressively touching yourselves. You could tell he was moaning from his facial expressions and, so were you. You tilted your head back in pleasure as that's what sent kai over the edge, seeing him struggle made you a hot mess. You both still remained looking deeply and lustfully at eachother as you both came. This became a nightly routine, you were pleased to be helping him.

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