Belong to him

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You were ally's niece, meaning you were an older cousin to ozzy. Ivy and ally were away working on a restaurant update for the night. Ever since freak accidents have been happening around the neighbourhood they didn't trust ozzy on his own to be babysat by kai. He was unfortunately the only available adult to babysit much to ally's reluctancy, she had secretly asked you to be there with the two as a third party, as she knew kai wouldn't touch oz with another person in the house. 'Hey oz! How you been dude?' Kai said happily arriving, ally and ivy had left, leaving you to open the door to kai and tell him where everything is and what ozzy needs. 'Hey you must  be y/n' kai said shaking your hand. 'I'm kai' he said smiling at you. You'd never met him in real life but he was exactly what you expected. He'll be nice to me now but soon manipulate me to be one of his minions you thought to yourself after seeing him, but you were more clever than that. 'I'll probably just be watching tv or something all night so don't worry about me' you said leaving kai in the kitchen with ozzy to hang out.

'Y/n I'm taking ozzy up to bed, he wants to say good night' he said calling you from the hallway to the living room after a few hours. You went up, gave oz a hug as kai followed you back down stairs.
'Finally, got you on your own' he said to you sitting next to you on the couch. 'What?' You asked confused as to what the fuck he wanted. 'Come closer' he said to you 'kai, I know you, I've been told what you like, I'm not falling in your trap' you said looking at him. He seemed thrilled you were playing hard to get and that you weren't just falling to his feet like every other girl he spoke to. 'What have you heard about me y/n?' He said coming close to your face. Fuck he was good at this. 'What I'm saying is I'm not gonna do what you want me to' you said coming even closer to him. 'Looks like you are' he said slipping his fingers inside of you. 'What the fuck is that kai' you asked trying not to loose your shit when you felt something in you when his fingers had left. 'Nobody, says no to me' he said still not answering the question. 'You're mine now, whenever I press this button I can control you, by the end of the night you'll be drooling at my feet begging me to fuck you' he said pushing the button. You felt the vibrations go through you immediately. 'Mhm fuck kai stop' you said but you words were fumbled by the moans. 'Good, I'm glad you understand, now make me a sandwich' he said smirking at you. You got up without questioning him. He got up to follow you in. You got everything you need, but you wanted to fuck with him. His idea of punishment was a vibrator? You wanted to abuse this power. 'Kai, do I have t-' you asked but before the full sentence could leave your mouth he turned it up. Leaving you to be soaking wet, 'look at you, pathetic' he said as your cum dropped to the floor, he came behind and put his middle finger in your wet pussy, 'kai plea-' you moaned. He began going faster until you're moaning became faster. 'I'm gonna c-' he stopped. 'Good girl, carry on making it.' 'Sorry' you said and brought it into the living room. You both sat on the couch, he stared at your wet thighs in awe. 'Look what you've done' you teased at him only making him more horny. 'Stop teasing me, remeber i control you' the next time he'd do it you thought you might actually cum. You went down to the tv to change some of the settings, you knelt on the floor to reveal your soaking wet entrance. 'Stay like that' kai demanded. You did. He turned the vibrator up full blast as you pressed the side of your face on the floor and arched your back even more letting the drips hit the floor. Loud and heavy moans escaped your mouth, you wanted to beg him to stop but you couldn't. 'Cum for me' kai said watching from the couch. Those words coming out of his mouth made your whole body feel the wave of an orgasm. You collapsed laying on the floor. Kai knelt down to you taking it out of you. He began rubbing your clit, immediately making you flinch from sensitivity. 'Good girl, you did exactly what I asked' he said playing with your wet pussy. 'Now open up and let daddy finish' he said opening your weak legs. You couldn't take it. You were now screaming in both pain and overstimulation. He stared down at you looking you in the eye going in and out of your drained body. You were helplessly moaning. He grabbed your throat as he picked up the speed and began to cum inside you, you were so relaxed it was over as you came a second time moaning in eachothers ears. He was leaning over you  'well done' he said breathlessly. Come on,' he said picking  you up and carrying you back to the couch. You layed there in his arms, sweating and waiting for your heart beat to slow down as he kissed your neck.

Kai anderson imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang