Chapter 45

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Each day until the eighth day is a day for me to problem solve. I spend my nights going back and forth between telling Zack the truth and just lying. Because I'm selfish, I still count the stars.

I'm going to tell him. If I calm him down enough, maybe he won't hurt Marcus.

As I get off the elevator in his building, I wave at a couple of his friends passing by. I'm halfway down the hall when a hand grabs my wrist.

Panic shoots through me as Marcus pulls me to the side.

"Let go!"

He lets go immediately, holding his hands up. "Relax, Amelia."

"Then don't touch me," I say, resuming my steps.

"Wait," he says. "Where are you going? To talk to Zack?"

"No," I lie.

"Yeah, right," he mutters. "I thought we had this all worked out."

"We do. Now leave me alone."

"Amelia, please." His voice drops. "Don't tell him. Our family... it's all I have."

I blink.

"Even if he doesn't beat me up, he'll never want to see me again," he continues. "You don't understand how hard our family has worked to get where we are now. I admit, I fucked up, but is it worth putting him through that? Not just him but everyone. Carrie, Pete, Tommy... We'll be broken again."

"Then maybe you shouldn't have tried to kiss me. Maybe you should've gotten off of me when I was hitting your chest."

"It was a mistake," he says. "But it's one other people shouldn't have to pay for."

I stare straight at him and his eyes start to wander.

"I hate lying to him," I say. "It makes me feel like shit."

He purses his lips. "I'm not gonna tell you what to do, Amelia. You're a smart girl. You know what the right decision is."

I scoff. "You are the most manipulative person I've ever met. You don't deserve to be in his life."

"Well, I am," he says. "You made him lose one best friend before. Me? I'm not going anywhere."

"You disgust me," I say in a low voice. He stares down at me, shakes his head slightly, and stalks away. 

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