Chapter 52

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After thirty minutes, we stop at a rest stop so that Mia can pee. She has a bladder the size of a penny so I'm honestly impressed she even made it this long. Anthony and I stand around the rest stop. My eyes flit to the vending machines where Katy is hopping around Zack, throwing her head back with loud laughter.

"You wanna tell me about this love triangle situation we have going on?" Anthony asks. I realize I've been staring.


"You've been staring at that girl like she's a cockroach on your bathroom floor. And same with her. I'm assuming it's due to the dark-haired, muscled hunk next to her."

I laugh. "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, I do like drama more than most," Anthony says. "And that guy is really cute. So spill. What is he? Your crush?"

I kick at the dirt. "He's my ex," I say. "And she is my friend... At least, I thought she was."

Anthony gasps without sound. "What a back-stabbing bitch." He leans closer to me. "So why'd you break up with him? Did the dick not live up to the face? Because a lot of time the muscular ones are the-"

"It's nothing like that," I say. I feel my face turning red even though I hate it. "Just... bad circumstances."

"You still love him, don't you?" he asks knowingly.

"It doesn't matter," I say quietly. He won't even look at me anymore."

"Yeah because he's been too busy glaring at me with those gorgeous eyes for the entire ride as he should. You are beautiful and I would definitely hit on you," Anthony says.

"Thank you." I grin. "You know, I didn't realize that cheesy tumblr quotes like 'sometimes love isn't enough' or 'time heals everything' were true but they are."

"You know what my favorite quote is?" Anthony asks. I shake my head. "If it really was true love, it will find a way to come back."

"If only life was a bunch of tumblr quotes," I say with a thin smile.

"Don't give up hope," Anthony says. He wraps an arm around me and starts to walk us back to the car. "Come on, let's pretend I'm straight to make your ex jealous."

A/N: shoutout to my friend Anthony who Anthony is based on. Also thank u for 100k <3

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