Chapter 57

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I wake to the scent of burnt sugar. It wraps around me like a blanket and as my eyes flutter open in the dark, my insides feel like they've melted.

My breath catches as I hear a soft groan and become aware of the chest pressed into my back. Zack's arms curl around me, as familiar as an old friend. I freeze, listening to the steady beat of his breathing. Moving slowly, I turn around so that I'm facing him.

He looks younger in his sleep. Innocent.

So easy to punch, I can't help thinking to myself.

The tiny smile on my lips fades as I reach a hand forward, carefully as not to wake him up. My thumb rests at the top of his cheekbone, brushing his cheek to the rhythm of his breathing.

I remember all the nights I would lay in bed, staring at the way his lashes fanned over his cheeks, wondering how this boy could possibly be mine.

One day, you'll thank yourself for letting him go.

My heart aches a little but I don't remove my hand. I drift asleep too quickly.

When I wake up the second time, the area next to me is empty and cold. I sit up and try to collect my thoughts. Images of Zack clutter my brain and I try to filter them out.

It was wrong of me to ask him to stay last night. Why did I do that?

There's a knock on the tent so I lean forward to unzip it and Anthony steps in with a water bottle.

"Morning," he says, handing me the water bottle. I chug it immediately, trying to combat the dry ache in my throat from all the alcohol.

"Thanks," I say. "What time is it?"

"Almost two in the afternoon," he answers. "You wanna talk about what happened last night?"

I blink. "What?"

"You coming back late with your ex and sleeping in the same tent."

My eyes turn into saucers. "You were awake?"

"Someone had to make sure you two made it back alive" Anthony says. "I was ten minutes from calling 911 when you guys walked in."

"We got lost," I say. A sigh escapes me and I fall back, kicking and punching the air. "Agh, why did I do that?"

"Why wouldn't you?" Anthony says. "I mean, if I could have those arms wrapped around me, I-"

I smack Anthony with my pillow.

"Hey!" he exclaims. "But seriously, isn't makeup sex so much better than-"

"We didn't do anything," I say quickly. Of course, my traitorous thoughts flicker to last night.

My face flushes red and Anthony cackles. "Hah! Look at your face, you naughty-"

Before he can finish, I unzip the tent and grab his wrist to step outside. Just as I'm about to walk out, I see Zack in front of the tent with a plate of food in hand.

He stops when he sees me. His eyes shift from me to my hand on Anthony's wrist and finally to the plate of food.

Is that for me?

I let go of Anthony immediately but it's too late. He's already walking away.

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