Chapter 47

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I do it.

It's cheesy and overdone but I do it anyway.

I fucking cut my hair at three in the morning alone in my room.

Even though I look like Edna from the Incredibles now, I have to admit that it does make me feel a little better.

I give myself a haircut, watch sad Korean movies, listen to Adele, and reorganize my entire room but none of it is enough. He's all I can think about and I just want to stop.

Mia is the solution. She's by my side 24/7 and she doesn't snoop.

"What are we doing tonight?" she asks, plopping down on her bed. "The Notebook or Train to Busan?"

"We could go out," I suggest. It's been months since I've partied and it's calling my name.

She sits up to look at me. "I'm all for bad decisions but are you sure you're in the right headspace for that?"

"I am in the perfect headspace for that."

Mia purses her lips and clasps my face in her hands. "You know what, babe? So am I."

She stands up and walks to the mini fridge, pulling out a bottle of Pink Whitney vodka. "I've been saving this for a special occasion. I think tonight is the night."

"I love you," I say. "Is Katy free tonight?"

"I think she's doing something with..." Her voice trails off.

"You can say his name," I say. "He's not Voldemort."

"Him and Marcus," she finishes. "But you have me and we're gonna be the baddest bitches at the party. Come here."

She holds up a makeup palette and summons me to her bed. I turn on my hype playlist and four shots later, I'm holding the bottle to my chest and singing along. Compared to the stuff Katy usually buys, this vodka tastes like juice.

"Do you think... we're drinking too much?" Mia asks as she pours another glass, her hands slightly shaky.

"NO!" I take another. "You know... My friend used to say there's no point in drinking unless you're gonna get wasted," I reply.

"Wasn't that me?" she asks, stumbling over her words slightly.

I blink heavily. "Was it? HAHAHAHAHA!"

I grip the bottle to the chest even as we start to head out. It's like a teddy bear to me. Or a baby blanket.

We get to the party late and Mia shoves her way to the center. There's loud music but suddenly my mood is flat.

I pull out my phone and open up Snapchat. Zack is all over Katy's story, not even doing anything entertaining. It's literally just videos of his face with her cackling loudly in the background. There's other guys in the background but she only posts him.

Peering over at Mia, I make sure no one is looking at my phone around me. Once it's confirmed that the coast is clear, I open up Zack's Instagram profile.

Our pictures are still up and it makes me want to cry. Pausing my dancing, I scroll down to my favorite picture of him. It's an old photo, one he posted before we even met, with his mom on her birthday.

"Amelia!" Mia grabs me and my hand slips. "Why aren't you dancing?"

"I will!" I reply. I'm going to turn my phone off when I see it.

A fucking like.

"MIA!" I screech. "OH MY GOD!"

"What?" she shouts, trying to hear me above the music.

My feet stomp on the floor in panic as I stare at the screen again to make sure I'm seeing right.

I grab her hands. "I liked Zack's photo from five years ago! What do I do? He's gonna think I'm stalking him!"

Mia squints at me. "You are stalking him."

"I don't want him to know that!" I exclaim.

I need to pace but there's no room for me to move around.

"Do I unlike it?" I ask "I should probably unlike it, right?"

"He's gonna get the notification anyway. Just forget it," she says, wrapping an arm around me. "You fucked yourself."

"Why did I do that?" I ask, more to myself than her.

"You don't have each other blocked?" she asks.

My whole body freezes.

"OH MY GOD I LIKED HIS POST FROM MY FINSTA!" I exclaim in despair.

"Oof, girl. That's embarrassing," a girl passing by me says.

My legs start to feel like jello and I contemplate just falling on the floor and letting myself get trampled. It would probably be less embarrassing.

When my phone lights up with a notification, I'm worried it's a message from Zack or something. It takes everything in me to check it.

It's not him, though. It's one of my mutual friends with Katy and Mia.

Grimacing, I open up her message. It's a screenshot of Katy's private friends-only Instagram account. I do a double-take. The picture she took with me and Zack is posted with the caption "the girlfriend and the girl he told you not to worry about."

What the actual fuck?

My first reaction is to call Katy and fight her or something but I can't bring myself to do that tonight. Remembering the vodka in my hands, I chug as much as I can and start jumping as hard as I can. I just want to forget.

I end up having to go outside to throw up in the grass. Mia holds my hair back as I retch. People passing by us shoot us looks but it barely registers in my head.

My whole body feels like shit and I just want to go back to my dorm. I want to be safe in a warm bed with the covers wrapped around me. My body feels like it's being sapped of its strength. I stare down at my hands.

Zack will come for me.

It's the last thought in my mind before I blackout.

A/N: the events in this chapter may or may not be based on the last time I got my heart broken (yeah fuck u Kyle) <- that's not his real name

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