Epilogue ✨

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P.S Long update ahead 🤗

IVer: What is friendship? Some may say friendship is loyalty and trust while some may say friendship is one thing that stays through your ups and downs. But for today's episode I will say in their case, friendship is unconditional love. These eight people who are here today made us believe in true friendship once again. They made us believe there is a forever in friendship too. They made us believe in the word trust and loyalty in this cruel world. Please give a round of applause for the most favourite SQUAD of the whole nation.
Let me introduce them one by one as they come forward. Coming up here are not one but three of India's most eligible bachelors, Shubhman Gill , Mayank Markande and Ishan Kishan. Next one in line is the talented cricketer and a big time flirt *laughs* Hardik Pandya. Here comes the first lady after a whole bunch of boys, the ever so stunning actress Aisha Kapoor. Next ones are the long-time hidden couple now in public Ritvik Sharma and Erica Malhotra. And last ones are the new parents and the couple who's been giving couple goals since the time they are together, none other than Kyra Sharma and Abhishek Sharma. Woah! That was a long round of introduction. *Chuckles*

All get seated on the couch in absolute random manner of course except Kyra and Abhishek who were made to sit in the centre on the couch by their amazing best friends who didn't want all attention on them so the couple was made the scapegoat.

IVer : Okay! Hello and warm welcome to all. I just said the names and I am not repeating the long list. *Laughs*

All : Heyyya!

IVer : So, this is the first time we are getting to see all of them together in an interview. There's a lot of praising about one another in all interviews-

Ritvik : Sorry to interrupt but today there aren't going to be any praises.

IVer : Whyyy?

Hardik : Well that's because today we are together. So if we praise now, we will have to face all the smirks and teasing smiles for a month. So we are just going to be our natural selves. And just to warn you, it's gonna be a mess.

IVer : Well okay then. I can't wait to get into this mess so I will just jump right into it. Okay so tell me how was this squad formed?

Ishan : We four were friends from childhood, living in the same locality and our parents being friends, we hit it off really quick. And Ritvik Bhai was always like an elder brother to us, so it was always us four from the start.

Mayank : And then I guess in 9th standard, we were discussing our careers when we decided to give cricket a try, all of us were in the school team and Abhi was the captain. So that's how cricket came and of course business for Bhai.

IVer : What about you girls?

Kyra : I was a shy, introverted girl in school and didn't have many friends. Aish was new to our school and we just hit it off quickly and I still wonder how?

Aisha : That's because I am amazing and you were impressed, don't lie.

Kyra : Yaya whatever.

Everyone laughs.

Erica : And we four knew each other through our parents. And as you know, the squad which originally only had Kyra, Ritvik, Abhi, Shubhman, Ishaan, Mayank and I, was formed when they both were dating or let's say knowing each other.
Harry joined I guess during that whole trolling Kyra fiasco as we had visited them. He just gelled well with all of us and lastly Aisha was not there in their wedding as she had work commitments. And then when she came to manaofy her best friend, she was included as we also needed a girl's gang *laughs*

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