33. Koffee with Karan - 2

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Karan : And welcome back !! I am here having steaming hot tea (#spillingtheteas) with Abhishek Sharma and Kyra Malhotra .So we were talking about the whole balance relationship . Considering that Abhishek is on tours , how do you both manage it ??

Kyra : I mean it's difficult . For the first time when he left I was messed up . I was so used to waking up next to him and having these Sunday morning talks , that I was totally lost for the first few days . And we couldn't facetime much due to time difference and his practice time . But we would make sure that we at least talk once a day . Communication is the key I feel.

Karan : Coming to that whole phase , the backlash you received !! Like what would you say as we have heard Abhishek's side ...

Kyra : I was obviously hurt . And him not being next to me , I just couldn't stop myself from crying. I remember reading that letter and I just ran to our room , locked it and cried non-stop . And I usually don't cry this often . He then called me as soon as he got to know this whole situation about me locking myself and all , and said these soothing words that just worked as medicine on the wound . He just booked my , Ritvik bhai and Di's tickets and called us there .

Abhishek : It was absolutely ridiculous to blame her . She was nowhere related. She was not even present there .

Karan : Aww that's so sweet . Coming to Ritvik and Erica . What's brewing ha !!?? *chuckles*

Abhishek : What's going on ?? Something we need to know about ?? *laughs*

Kyra : I don't know anything. Don't even look here .

Abhishek : Ask them when you meet them . That's the best thing.

Karan : Huh. Okay. Let's move to our next segment . We have a little quiz for you both . So move close and answer my questions . Are you ready ??

Kyra & Abhishek : Yesss

Karan : Okay my first question is to Abhi . What's Kyra's idea of a perfect date ??

Abhi : A good web series or movies , pizza and cuddles or if she's in mood then a beach date .

Kyra : Perfect . And both of these are done . So now do something different next time *winks*

Karan : Okay . So Kyra , what can make Abhi mad ??

Kyra : Oh that's difficult . He doesn't get angry much yaar .

Abhi : You don't know the answer !! The point goes to me .

Kyra : Oyee wait . If anyone harms me , it will make him angry . You can't even say no to this answer . *Laughs*

Abhi : Okay *laughs* that's right !!

Karan : I love your banters . Okay moving to the next question , is Kyra a sleep walker or sleep talker ??

Abhi : None.

Karan : Right . You won't let her sleep so ....

Kyra : Shut up . *Blushes*

Karan : Moving on , what are the speed breakers in your relationship ?? What makes you fight ??

Kyra looks towards Abhi and answers .

Kyra : Lack of communication and time.

Karan : Okay , so Abhi , What do you call Kyra affectionately ??

Abhishek : There's no particular name and we don't call each other with these mushy names in front of everyone . But yeah gorgeous is one and babe sometimes .

Karan : But why not in front of everyone ??

Kyra : Why show off ?? Like it's cheesy and cute at the same time but why show your personal moments to everyone .

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