Chapter 22

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"We're all going to die. That's the big idea, is it?" Sammy asked with a look around the room some minutes after Kei's announcement. He still looked a bit groggy but had to be certainly feeling better if he had the strength to ask the question, at least that was how Megan viewed it.

"Well, is it?" he asked again.

Dani looked to Ricardo, and he to Megan; and she just looked at the ceiling with a sigh. It didn't take powers to know that they were all at a loss to what to do.

No one bothered to consider Kei at all as the last time Dani tried to strike up a conversation with her- he had only wanted to know if she wanted a bottle of water- she had shot him a glare so stern that if looks could kill, he would have been buried; and even then, she still had a mean look about her that had the others cutting her a wide berth.

Well, back to the problem at hand, Megan tried to put her mind to what to do.

Just as she was about to put in the effort to think up an idea though, a question suddenly popped up at her: how had the men known to attack them in Cuba?

Thing is, to the best of Megan's knowledge, their meeting with Sammy was a secret. Ricardo had made the call to him from a secure phone as prescribed by an earlier agreement between them, then he told Dennis and her of the arrangement after it was done, then Dennis cleared them to come to Havana.

None of those events had included any of them talking to anyone outside of the necessary sphere; and unless Sammy himself had talked to someone who then proceeded to attempt an assassination on him, there was no obvious other way the information on the meeting could have been intercepted.

And then there's what that guy said to me, Megan thought again. "No interference allowed," she recalled it vividly.

But interference to what? she wondered. What the group, whoever they were, were planning to do with Item 13?

Megan heard footsteps beside her just then and she snapped out of her thoughts to see Ricardo walking up to her. "We need to get out of here, Megan," he said as he reached. "Time's running out."

"I know," she returned, groaning at the lopsided way the situation was making her feel; and the man in front of her too, if she was being honest. "If only there's some way to get a look on the guys outside," she said, "perhaps then we'll be able to come up with a tangible plan."

"Get a look on them!" Ricardo suddenly had a brightened look on his face as he turned to face Dani. "Hey, do you have a CCTV camera outside in the restaurant?" he asked.

"Yes, but it's not connected with the computer in here to view the live feed."

"No worries," he assured him. "As long as the computer can be connected to the internet, I can make a connection for a live feed."

The computer Dani pointed Ricardo to looked like it belonged in the early century of the digital age, but the latter looked ready to make it work and with a few keystrokes, the homepage to what Megan realised was Os Buscadores's server on the dark web popped up on the screen.

"Here we go." Ricardo keyed in a sequence of commands and the live feed of the men in the restaurant appeared.

"They're setting the charges," Megan realised. "They look ready to blow this place up." Her eyes met Ricardo's and his return look filled her heart with dread.

Oh my God, we're going to die, it began to dawn on her for real. We're really going to die.

Just then, a scream came from the corner of the room and all eyes turned to Kei hobbling after kicking against the wall.

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