Chapter 11

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Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

The sun had begun to set when Megan drove a black McLaren up a long driveway to join the long line of prestigious vehicles already queued up there.

Her heart thundered in her chest. This isn't going to work, Megan, she thought to herself, terrified. They're going to find you out.

She tried to calm herself though, directing her thoughts instead to the events that had led to where she was.

"I still think a tact team's better suited for this, Director," Megan recalled her conversation with Dennis after their meeting was over and they were riding an elevator down to where the latter described as Olympus's underground airfield- she still couldn't bring herself to understand how he had thought to put those two words together, or how something had made it even possible for him to do so to begin with.

"And like I said, Miss Months," he replied, "I want you on this." He turned to face her squarely, very serious. "You can do this, Megan. I believe in you."

Belief was never synonymous with results in Megan's books, but as he was her boss and she didn't have a choice in the matter- regardless of how democratic Dennis was presenting the issue- she decided to accept it anyway.

The elevator came to a stop with a silent hiss as usual and its doors slid open to reveal an expanse of space that took Megan's breath away not for the first time since her arrival at Olympus. Turns out, when Dennis says airfield, he means airfield, she thought, wowed.

The underground area was everything an airfield should be: fleets of airplane lined in a row, multiple runways crisscrossing from one end of the area to the other as far a person could squint to see it on both sides, an actual terminal standing proudly at the edge where the ground opened to the blue sky, and over a hundred men and women working in droves to maintain the order of everything around.

What Megan was looking at, as she herself realized immediately, wasn't just some put-together airfield but a fully functioning, well-equipped airport. In fact, it would probably be one of the best airports in the world if it was above ground and opened to the general public.

But "open to the general public" isn't Olympus's way, she reminded herself.

"This is incredible, Director," she remarked anyway.

"It is, isn't it?" He smiled.

It had become obvious to Megan that Dennis loved showing off what a wonder Olympus was. She suspected strongly that he might even derive some sort of gratification from it.

Just then, an airplane easily the size of a Boeing 747 rode onto the runway. Jay and Adolf were on board and the latter waved to Megan and Dennis when the door opened enough and he came out to greet them.

"Wait, we're going in that?" it suddenly dawned on Megan. "But isn't it a little conspicuous?" Well, more than a little, actually, she added in her head but didn't mention it.

"The Chariot is a fully functioning Olympus station," Dennis explained. "It houses every facility and resource present here in the building, which, as you already may have guessed, won't fit into anything smaller." He chuckled at his own attempt at a comic relief. "But don't worry, it's stealthy."

Megan found it hard to believe that anything that large could ever be stealthy but she didn't argue it. Plus that was the moment Kei showed up.

The teenager was dressed in her trademark leather jacket and jeans, but this time, she had two katanas hanging from scabbards on her back, three daggers from her belt, and one dagger protruding from the top of her boot. Overkill much? Megan quirked an eyebrow

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