Author's Note

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Hello reader,
Welcome to this new world teeming with new possibilities. I'm so happy that you decided to stop here for what I can assure will be a very exciting adventure for you and I.

If you're already conversant with my work(s), thanks for visiting again. I hope that's because you love the stories that I bring to life in ink; and if you're a first time reader, I thank you too for being here. It gladdens my heart that you gave me a chance to show you what I can do with the lives in my world. Hopefully, you'll go on to be a fan before the end of this.

So, are you excited? Well, I hope the synopsis below does the trick.

Megan has always loved being a psychologist. It doesn't pay much, not by a long shot, but it affords her the opportunity to use her uncanny ability of reading people to solve their problems in a way that other jobs won't.

However, one night in her apartment, Megan is paid a visit by a mysterious stranger in hold of a secret that she'll rather never sees the light of day. He gives her an ultimatum: her secret in exchange for a job, which Megan agrees to; and soon, she finds herself in a place where circumstances will test every portion of her being to their fullest potential. But then, when you've been called to serve on Olympus, you can be at nothing but your best.

Don't be shy to let me in on your thoughts. Are you intrigued for the new book? What do you think it will involve? What do you want it to involve? Please, I'll love to hear your feedback.

Anyway, till we meet again, be safe, be strong, and never forget to keep smiling or the sun may go away.

Your so-excited-to-have-something-new-in-the-works friend,

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