Chapter 29

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Megan wasn't sure when exactly she passed out but she figured it had to have been a long time earlier cos when she regained consciousness, she realized that the sky had become a lot darker than when she and the group had arrived in Chersky.

Well, it's good thing I'm still alive, she thought to herself, although it had to be said that she wasn't totally convinced of that thought as the aches torturing every pore of her body sort of made her wish she wasn't.

Megan looked down, surprised to see that she had been put in a metal chair and strapped to it by the hands and legs with steel chains so heavy that she doubted even Adolf would be able to get her out of them if he tried.

And speaking of Adolf, she turned to see him hanging from the ceiling of the warehouse- what remained of it after the pulse explosion, that is- by his wings. Seriously, do bad guys have to stick so firmly to their role? She groaned in her head when she saw the way the men smiled cruelly as Adolf grimaced under the strain gravity was putting on his wings, which presumably was threatening to tear out of his back, due to his position. She actually had the urge to whack those men round the head with a bat for their behaviour but knowing that it wasn't going to help anyone, plus she was still restrained to the chair, she held her peace.

Megan looked to her side and saw Ricardo restrained next to her; Kei and Jay next to him. They were all unconscious. Added to the chain used to restrain Kei, a giant block of ice was also frozen around her legs, presumably to prevent her from accessing her superspeed like Adolf's hung wings had been to restrain his flight.

However, Megan realised that Jay hadn't been restrained in any special manner besides the chain like she and Ricardo and she knew immediately that the men didn't know what kind of power he had, or even if he had any for that matter, which was logical being that only Kei and Adolf had faced them in combat before. Well, that should be able to be worked into an advantage, she thought to herself just as a plan began to take form in her mind.

Just then, a snowbike suddenly came to a stop in front of the warehouse and a man in a thick, hooded winter coat got down from it. "They're all taken care of?" he asked as he walked into the space.

"Yes sir," one of the men replied and the others stood straight in his presence. "Everything's ready for you."

This has to be their leader, Megan thought at him. Everything pointed to it: his manner of question and the response given to him, and even the way the air just seemed to change after his arrival; more tense, like everything from then on had to have a significance. The man, whoever he was, was of an important status in the group.

Without stopping once in his stride, the man took a quick glance around and spotted Megan, coming to stop right in front of her pulling off his hood and beanie to reveal a full, bushy hair and beard so bright red that it hurt her eyes to look at them for some seconds even in the light-faded room. He stared at her intently for some seconds, almost as if he was searching to see something in her body only he could recognize.

"Hello," he said eventually, his voice surprisingly clear in Megan's ear- she had actually expected he would have an Irish or Scottish accent judging from his hair colour- "my name is Martin Greene. I'm the person in charge of this group that you've been so interested in for the past week."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Greene. I'm Megan Months," she replied, her body, and eyes, now feeling better enough to allow her focus on his eyes which she realized then were brown; slightly black in the darkness. "If you don't mind my asking, what exactly is your group all about?" she asked. "I mean, you yourself noted the deep interest my colleagues and I shown in your group for the past week, coming all this way to find you. We deserve an answer at least for our efforts, don't you think?"

Martin chuckled, apparently amused by Megan's speech. "I've got to say you have a way with words, Miss Months," he said, "and while I would be most honoured to tell you about us and our objectives, this isn't some B-rate action movie where the villain explains his plan before the final showdown."

"So, this is the final showdown then?" someone suddenly said beside them and they turned to see that Jay had come to.

"Well, it is, isn't it?" he asked again, this time more alert. "Cos it'll be quite the bummer if what I'm about to do next isn't to the climax of our encounter."

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