Chapter 27

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Megan approached the front of the warehouse with Ricardo and Adolf in tow. Nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary as they went. In fact, nothing appeared to be in the environment at all besides the building.

To be safe though, Megan signaled that they all keep their eyes peeled and be ready for anything at any moment. These guys have always had a knack for springing out of nowhere, she thought with a look around, I don't think they're going to suddenly stopping exercising that bad habit.

Finally getting to the building's frontage after about a minute of cautious walking, Megan waved two fingers back at the SUVs; her signal to Kei and Jay to maintain the two minutes count before they came out after them.

"Alright," she said to Ricardo when she looked back to see a computerized keypad on the wall, "looks like you have to do your thing."

He stepped forward with the thought to hack the keypad but no sooner had he touched it that it suddenly beeped and the door to the warehouse slid open. "Anybody sense a trap here?" He looked back at the others.

"Definitely." Adolf's wings came out behind him as his demeanour turned serious.

"Jay, Kei, looks like we may not be as covered as we think," Megan relayed over the comms. "Cut the two minutes count down to one and do a perimeter sweep instead then. Stay alert all the way."

"Got it," they replied.

With the new plan confirmed, Megan signaled to Adolf to enter into the warehouse with one of his wings in front of him as a shield; she coming in closely behind him, and Ricardo behind her with a pistol in his hand to watch the rear.

However, to the trio's utmost surprise, nothing awaited them inside the warehouse but a vast expanse of space and countless wooden shipment crates scattered everywhere.

"Okay, I'm not the only seeing this, right?" Adolf looked back at the duo behind him, confusion vividly etched on his face.

Thing is, they had gone in with the thought that the group would waiting for them in corners and behind obstructions, ready to jump them the moment they made their entrance, but from what they could see, there were no corners or obstructions to hide behind, and no persons to jump them for that matter. In fact, there was absolutely nothing in the giant hall-like space beside the crates.

Something isn't right here, Megan thought to herself as she looked around. From what she had learnt about the group, she could see no way that they would leave themselves unprotected, or pass up the opportunity to kill them like they had tried twice already before.

Except perhaps this was never their hideout to begin with, the thought suddenly jumped at her out of nowhere.

"Quickly, check the boxes," Megan said to the others while going on comms. "Jay, Kei, come into the warehouse now, we may have been fooled."

No sooner had she spoken that the back entrance of the warehouse opened and the two teenagers walked in. Apparently, they were already there before she called.

"Let me guess, Meg, you discovered absolutely nothing?" Kei said as she marched seemly angrily towards her. "Well, so did we on that wild goose chase you sent us on."

"Actually, we discovered that the men must have been in the area quite recently," Jay corrected behind Kei, passing Megan a phone with pictures of some footprints and tire tracks he had found around the warehouse on it. "Unfortunately, they appear to be long gone by now."

"I wouldn't accept that theory just yet if I were you," Ricardo suddenly said and they turned to see that he had opened one of the crates. Inside it, to their utmost surprise, was a containment box that looked just like the one the group had known to be Item 13's.

"Ricardo, is that what I think it is?" Megan's eyes went wide as she went to take a closer look at the object.

"Yep." He sighed, nodding.

"But if that box contains Item 13, then what does this?" Adolf asked as he pointed inside another shipment crate he had opened. There was another containment box inside it very identical to the first one they had discovered in the other crate.

"What in the world is going on here?" Jay asked, confused.

Oh crap! It suddenly dawned on Megan what they had walked themselves into. "Guys," she announced, "I think every one of the shipment crates here contain a potential Item 13."

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