Game of good and bad

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I walked into a empty class and see juggie

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I walked into a empty class and see juggie

"Oh well joneys good here" I gave him a coffee cup and a scone

"Oh thanks Celeste'

"So what's the tea still trying to figure out what Hiram up too"


"Well in that case jonesy my dear you have my full attention and help"

"Really are you sure you want to get mixed into this"

"Why of course my fellow friend" then came in Archie

"Are you still going after Hiram Lodge?"

"Well, that depends."

"Who's asking Archkinss? You? Veronica? The archfiend himself?" I asked sipping my coffee

"Jug, Cel, there's gonna be a special election to replace Josie's mom. Hiram Lodge wants my dad to run."

"What? Why?"

"Who freaking knows? Jughead, I'm with Veronica, so that means I'm with the Lodges." I roll my eyes Jughead scoffed

"But my dad, I can't let him get in any deeper with them."

"So tell him he shouldn't run." I tell him

"Veronica would kill me if I did. And ditto the Lodges. Maybe I could give you two something. Maybe you could write about it and that might make my dad hit pause."


"You remember when Hiram Lodge gave Pop Tate that charitable donation to keep that diner open?"

"Yeah, we were all there."

"Except Hiram Lodge didn't give Pop's a donation. He bought the diner."


"He did What?!" I said shocked

"And for some reason, he doesn't want anyone to know about it. Can you two do something with that fact? At least enough to make my dad think twice about this stupid mayor idea."

"He bought the diner?"

"Yes!" Jughead pulls a map

"God! Hiram is like Dracula. Snapping up properties from all over Riverdale to expand his empire and feed."

"If what you're telling us is true Archkinss, everyone is in danger." I said in terror at the Coopers place looking at the map of everything Hiram and the logdes have done

"I figured out Hiram's methodology. He acquires devalued land at a deep, some might say criminal discount."

"Twilight Drive-In, Sunnyside Trailer Park, Southside High, and now Pop's Chock'lit Shoppe." I sais

"Wait, Pop's?" I nod

"Hiram bought Pop's?"

"Yeah. And while most people didn't care about Hiram's other acquisitions, probably because they were on the Southside..."

"Pop's is the heart of Riverdale."

"Right. People will care about this one."

"So, when are you talking to Pop?" I wonder the same later we went over to pop's in our usual booth

"Usual, Jughead? Celeste?"

"Not today, Pop."

"We actually have a question for you um" I was a bit nervous

"Did Hiram Lodge buy this diner from you?" He asked him pop's sigh then sat down my heart broke when he told us

"Jughead... Celeste.... The Tates have owned this diner for over years. When my ma gave me the keys, she made me promise that no matter what, I'd always keep this shop in our family. Now, I did what I needed to with Mr. Lodge but my mother's still with us, God bless. It would kill her to hear I went against her wishes. Please, Jug, Cel can you two keep this to yourself while I still have my mom? And then you can tell whoever you want." We looked at each other but nod back home I sighed softly laying on the couch

"Mija what's wrong" dad asked walking over sitting down I placed my head on his lap

"Just dealing with a dilemma daddy"

"Which is"

"If their a someone who's trying to take a small place that makes a town great for their own bad but you can't cause it might break someone heart"

"Well sweetheart if it's what they wish then you can't break a promise" I sighed the next day

"Well sweetheart if it's what they wish then you can't break a promise" I sighed the next day

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at the empty class room

"Well? Did Pops confirm Mr. Lodge bought the diner?"

"Yeah, he did." I started

"But I'm sorry, I can't publish that article, Archie. It would break Pop's heart."

"Jug, Celeste we can't give up. I think my dad's gonna run."

"Archie, I have talked to every possible suspect connected to the Lodges, even Mayor McCoy. They're all on lockdown."

"Maybe you've been talking to the wrong McCoy." I sighed let's say things we're about to get hectic.

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