Lock and Key

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"Come on babe I really wanna see you." Eden waited for his beautiful love who was adding a finishing touched on her surprise for him

"Okay ready." She came out and eden was speechless

"Hmmm impressed."

"More than I can be." He grabs her and pins her down she sensually laughs they kissed.

Celeste POV

I was walking behind Betty and Jughead when we see plans on the table

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I was walking behind Betty and Jughead when we see plans on the table

"Hey, that's very cool. What is this? Like, plans for your very own Shangri-La, Veronica?"

"It will be the new and improved Pembrooke."

"Looks swanky, V."

"Looks nice." I said



"The Five Musketeers. Pray tell, why for have we been summoned?"

"Hey, guys. Thanks for gathering on such short notice. Um, Fangs and I have announcement to make."

"We're engaged." I squealed happily clapping my hands

"Oh, my God. That's such good news."

"But wait, there is more."

"Yeah. We're having a baby."

"Oh my god!"

"Guys, that's great!"

"Wait, Archie, there's still more. We're having the baby."

"With me. I'm having our baby."

"We're planning on raising this child together. Just the three of us."

"Just one big, happy, nontraditional family."

"What in the actual..." in the office with Toni

"I swear Toni I would give anything you guys need and want just call or say."

"Celeste I'm fine really but thank you." Then the door slammed in and of course Cheryl

"And they call me Cherry Bombshell."

"Cheryl, good. I actually wanted to talk to you about stepping back from the Vixens."

"Tell me, did it really not occur to you to give me any advance warning about your offspring's lineage?"

"Well, to be honest, Cheryl, I wanted to tell you. Not just as my co-captain, but as my friend. But based on your recent behavior, I.. didn't even know if we had that relationship anymore."

"And did this harebrained idea originate with Kevin or..."

"Me, Cheryl. When I was a junior in Highsmith College, I found out that I have a medical condition that makes it hard for me to get pregnant, the older I am." Oh toni. That broke my heart

"Oh. Toni, I had no idea. I'm so sorry."

"Anyways, the doctor said that if I really want to have kids, I need to do it while I'm young."

"Okay. But Kevin and Fangs?"

"Fangs is like family to me. We got initiated into the Serpents together. And when Fangs and Kevin started talking about adoption or looking for a surrogate mother, I volunteered." I smiled

"Splendid. So you've got an insta family while I'm withering away at Thornhill." Oh Cheryl

"Look, I'm having a baby with Kevin and Fangs. But I still care about you deeply. And if you want, maybe we can still try and make this work."

"I don't see how that's possible anymore. But congratulations. I'm very happy for you." When she leaves

"Don't let her get to you Toni if Cheryl want to be a sour person then let her but you should be joyest about the little one." I told her holding her hand at home

"Oh it's joyful eden a baby for them."

"It would be amazing for those three." Then I got a Bing on my phone

"It's Cheryl she wants us to gather at the Whyte Wyrm for drinks." I sigh having a feeling she might be doing this for poisonous reason but we go

" I sigh having a feeling she might be doing this for poisonous reason but we go

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"Hear ye, hear ye, fellow friends and fiends. Now that everyone is swan-diving into sad adulthood with babies and marriages and arthritis, etcetera, I'm throwing a party. One last hurrah to celebrate our wild misspent youth. One final chance to recall our reckless teenage selves. I mean, who could forget my iconic spin the bottle parties of yore?"

"Aren't we a little old for that?"

"Which is why this little fete will be a key party. You heard me right. A classic American and oh-so-adult round of sexual switcheroo. We'll draw keys and pair off. And if the spirit moves you, you are strongly encouraged to act on any and all animal impulses. I'm texting you the deets now, but bring keys for my bowl and your well-oiled libidos."

"Oh hell no." Eden snaps pissed and we leave back home

"What the hell."

"Baby calm down."

"That red head has some nervous."

"That's why we're not going babe." I placed my hand on his cheek.

"I rather spend it here with you and the kids than some pathetic plan Cheryl planning so you know what let's have a family night just you and me and the kids we order from pop's wacth a movie and just stay in together." He smiled

"I'd love that." We kissed that night

I fixed the living room placing the popcorn on the table as Jack and Jake come out with their pj's on

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I fixed the living room placing the popcorn on the table as Jack and Jake come out with their pj's on

"I got pop's." Said eden with two bags and Xavier behind him with the milkshakes

"Daddy back." Vanellope says running over in her pj's to him

"Well look at my baby girl in her princess pj's" she laughs then Xavier sets the milkshake down and leaves

"Okay time to enjoy ourselves." And we did I couldn't have spend the most amazing time than with my own beauty of a family.

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