Let the truth be set free

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I had just finished putting on my blush when Eden kissed my cheek from behind me and smile

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I had just finished putting on my blush when Eden kissed my cheek from behind me and smile

"You you look deadly my bibi" I smiled

"Those preppies better be ready cause it's about to all come out oh hey did you?"

"Got that search going why yes my bibi and with your friend half brother and FP help his here" I smiled then he drove me to the woods where we meet up with Betty


"Ready and thanks"

"We're like sister crazy you didn't think I'll let you do this alone" then we went to the bunker and when in


"Jug? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry, I was just going over everything one more time. What's up, did Eden find him?"

"Yeah, yes. We did."

"Well, I mean, Me Charles and FP did." Said Eden

"And did he agree?"

"Completely. He's showering as we speak." He hugged me shakes eden hand and kissed betty

"So are we doing this or what?"

"Oh, yeah. We are gonna blow Stonewall Prep out of the water." We left and entered stone wall and entered the class

"Hello Stonewall jerkoffs."I spoke they turned and see jug and man were their face priceless

"Hey, guys. Well, what, did you even miss me?"

"You gotta be kidding me."

"Mr. Jones. I... I don't understand. We all thought..."

"That I was dead?"

"Well... Yeah, actually for a minute there, I did too."


"Hey, what's that oft-used Mark Twain quote? "Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."

"What is happening right now?"

"It is called "getting your comeuppance", Joan." I tell her patting her head

"You guys are reading Crime and Punishment, huh? How apropos. You know, the one kind of crime story that we never really touched upon in this seminar was the time-tested genre of a locked room mystery."

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