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"Jack! Come on!" Dia turned and waved. His face full of excitement. The white skull on his features deforming as he grinned widely, body practically jumping in excitement. Jack laughed and picked up his pace. He jogged over to where the dark haired boy was waiting.  Frost spreading behind him over the stone grave stones as he passed. Above them the sky was darkening as the sun set on the horizon. The graveyard filling full of rapidly growing shadows, but the darkness of their surroundings did nothing to their happy moods.

Jack laughed at his enthusiasm. "Hey, you're buzzing", he commented. He wrapped an arm around Dia's waist and pressed a kiss to the boy's cheek. The touch not leaving an imprint on the make up at all.

Dia smiled and leant into the contact. Skinship between them was as easy as breathing. He pressed an answering kiss back and grinned against Jack's cool skin. "Jack", he whined. "Stop wasting time. We're going to be late!"  Jack laughed again, the sound as clear as ringing ice.

"Alright, alright". He tightened his grip on Dia's waist. "Led the way then".

Dia smirked and pulled away to jog towards the looming structure of a mausoleum. It was a old building of white stone cut in a European style. The door was heavy iron and presumably locked but when Dia rested his hand on the metal, it swung open as if it was as light as a feather. The doorway was a black shape of darkness. Nothing but shadow. Dia turned and bounced on his toes again. He held out his hand and Jack took it. Warm against cold as they linked their fingers together.

"Wow", Jack commented as he peered into the gloom. "Exciting". The black shape reminding him of the entrance of Pitch's realm. He took a breath and felt Dia squeeze his hand. He smiled. He trusted his boyfriend.

"It gets better", Dia smiled. "Just let me make the bridge first". He danced forwards through the doorway, pulling Jack after him. As soon as he was through, glowing rose petals spread out under his feet. They were luminous in the dark. Small shapes forming a bridge behind him as he walked. Jack followed. The petals feeling solid and warm under his feet.

They walked in silence for five minutes before lights became visible in the darkness. There was a city rising out of the gloom to meet them. It was practically blinding. A chaotic place with buildings of every historical era and fashion. There were multiple different levels, houses all built in a wide spiral pattern spanning up a mountain. The lower levels were on what seemed to be a beach. Turquoise water lapping gently against golden sand. As the mountain grew taller, forests mingled between the houses with waterfalls and lakes. At the very top of the mountain was snow and the biggest castle Jack had ever seen. It was a beautiful building of warm grey stone.

"Welcome", Dia grinned at him. Jack shut his mouth with a click, eyes still wide in awe. "To the land of the dead". He stretched his arms out proudly. Jack blinked and gaped.

Dia strode through the air, petals still forming under his feet. He walked in the air over the city below. The bridge falling apart slowly behind Jack, petals floating onto the streets below. Jack peered down and saw dozens of humanoid figures pausing to look up at them. There were stalls and life happening below. People playing music and children chasing each other in the streets. Everyone looked lively and content. They waved up at them. Some catching the petals as they fell. Jack grinned and waved back as he walked.

"It's so bright and lively here", he muttered.

"Yeah", Dia smiled fondly. "No one really needs to eat or sleep, unless they want. So it's a peaceful existence. They have all they could imagine. It's wonderful". He stopped as they drew closer to the castle.  The petals stopped and Dia hopped onto the smooth cobblestones outside the open gates.

"Dia!" A guard greeted cheerfully. He was in his middle age. His face covered in painted designs of flowers and greenery, mixing with the white lines outlining the shape of his skull over his features. Jack remembered that Dia had said earlier that each spirit was decorated in painted patterns that were unique. It was a way of showing how long they had been dead and how they live in life. Apparently the designs were as complex as a language. One day, Dia had told him, he would tell Jack what his own face paint meant.

"Matthew!" Dia greeted. The man bowed to him and Dia inclined his head back. "How are you? Has your wife arrived yet?"

"Not yet", Matthew smiled. "But she is welcome to take her time".

"Good. Can we go in?"

Matthew glanced at Jack and his grin widened. He winked at Dia and the boy blushed. "Of course. You know where to find her".

Dia pulled Jack's hand and quickly walked away, waving goodbye over his shoulder. "What was that about?" Jack asked as he swung their joined hands.

"Nothing. Matthew is just teasing me", Dia muttered. "This way". Instead of going through the huge main doors into the castle, he pulled Jack round the building and into the gardens. Jack blinked round at all the different and beautiful plants surrounding them. There seemed to be species he had barely seen before.

"La Muerte!" Dia called. There was a woman bent over a flower bed of sunflowers. She was tall, probably taller than north, and curvey. Her whole form bigger than a average humans. Jack had to tilt his head back to look at her. Her face was chalk white with moving painted patterns that seemed to change every few seconds. Her long wavy black hair was tied up with a red ribbon, matching her red dress.

"Dia! Darling!" She smiled and rose, opening her arms widely in a hug.  Dia let go of Jack's hand and ran forwards into her arms. She enfolded him in her embrace. His already small form tiny compared her.

"Madre! It's so good to see you". He was beaming as he pulled back.

"Dia my child, it's so good to see you. How's the world? How's the children? Are you prepared for your celebration?" La Muerte was beautiful when she smiled. She leaned down to cup Dia's face in her hand. Her touch motherly and tender.

"Everything is fine", Dia laughed. "Madre you worry to much".

"I will always worry about my child", La Muerte's voice was fond. She lifted her gaze and blinked at Jack. "Who's this? Another of the man in the moon's guardians?"

Dia turned and danced back to grasp Jack's hand in both of his. He pulled Jack forwards towards her. "Yes. This is Jack Frost. He's my lover".

La Muerte gasped and beamed. "Oh my. Come here Jack". Jack let out a gasp as she pulled him into a hug. Her skin blazed as hot as Dia's. Jack laughed as she picked him up and spun him slightly before dropping him on his feet.

Jack stumbled back but Dia caught him. "Boys!" La Muerte grinned at them. "I hope you're happy".

"I am", Dia grinned. "I finally am".

La Muerte's smile faltered and she leaned over to press a kiss to Dia's forehead. "Then I am happy for you my child". She rose and beamed at them, clapping her hands together with a spark of light. "Well then. Let's show Jack a party!" She bustled off in a flurry of red skirts.

"This is so cool", Jack muttered into Dia's ear. His boyfriend smiled and turned to face him. Jack caught his face in his hands. "This is amazing". Dia grinned and leant forwards to connect their lips together in a soft slow kiss.

"I love you". The confession was quiet. Jack felt joy bubble in his chest. His answering smile was so big that it made his cheeks hurt.

"I love you too. Now come on and show me what a day of the dead party is like".

Dia beamed. "Heck yeah!"


This is the end of the book, hope you enjoyed it.
As I do with all my completed books, I will be doing a Q&A in a few days.
If you have any questions about Dia or the book, comment here.

Thank you for reading.

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