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"It's nothing personal of course", Jack was saying as the lift North, jack and Dia was riding in stopped. "Guardian, that's just not my thing".

"Man in moon says it is your thing", North responded as he lead them forward. The floor was full of dozens of Yetis bustling around as they made toys. One walked up and held something up for North to sign which he did with a wave of his hand.

"Slow down would ya", Jack protested. "I've been trying to bust in here for years, I want a good look". He glanced around appreciatively.

"What do ya mean bust in here?" North asked.

"Relax, I never made it past the yeti", Jack soothed. "Oh Hey Phil". One yeti grinned at him, thumping it's fist in a threatening gesture. Dia chuckled as Jack held up his hands in surrender before skipping after North.

"I thought it was the elves who made the toys", Jack asked as they past multiple workstations were yetis were busy building all sorts of toys, from trucks to boxes.

"Just let them believe that", North whispered. Dia and jack both stopped to watch as an elf decorated like a Christmas tree was electrocuted. The lights wrapped around him lit up as the little elf began to turn in a circle.

"Very nice", North grinned at them. "Keep up good work", he said as he pulled Jack and Dia along.

"Hey, skull boy", Jack spoke. Dia turned to look at him. "What do you think of this place?"

"It's not bad. You should see the land of the dead", Dia grinned. "Now that is amazing".

"Is that an offer Ghost boy?" Jack smirked.

"Only if you want to take it", Dia replied with a smirk of his own.

They were interrupted by North throwing open a door. Inside was a sort of study/workshop area. Ice carvings littered the tops of desks and many shelves of books lined the wall.

"Fruitcake?" North offered holding a small dish.

"Um, no thanks", both Dia and Jack muttered. North shrugged and threw the cake into a corner with a crash.

"Now we get down the real business", North mutter, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

"What?" Dia gasped as the door slammed shut and bolted behind them.

"Who are you Jack Frost, Dia De Los Muertos?" North demanded stepping forward. He backed the boys back against the door, easily bigger that both of the teens combined. Dia had to admit that he was slightly intimidated.

"What is your centre?" North pointed.

"My What?"
"My centre", both Dia and Jack asked, confused.

"If man in moon chose the both of you then you must have something very special inside", North stated. He pulled back and hummed in thought. Moving to the nearest shelf, he plucked up a Russian doll.

"This is how you see me. Big, intimidating, but if you get to know me a little..." he handed the doll to Dia who took it with a quizzical expression. "Go on".

Seriously weirded out, Dia tugged off the top half of the first doll to reveal a smiley faced one underneath. "You're down right jolly?" It came out more of a question.

"But not just Jolly!" North exclaimed as Dia pulled off the next doll. "I am also mysterious and fearless, and caring. But at my centre", North paused as Dia tipped the last doll into his hand.

"There's a tiny wooden baby", Dia said.

"Look closer, North urged.

Jack sighed. "Um you have big eyes".

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