Episode 2: Out of Time #2

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You drove down the road with the radio playing some random station Max picked out. The car sounds better than it did before. Definitely better than when your brother had it.

Max: This car is pretty sick. You said it was your brother's?

You nodded.

Y/N: He bought if off of one of his coaches. It didn't even start when he got it. But, he got it to drive. And I just...brushed it up.

Max: So, why do you have it? I doubt anyone would just give up a car like this.

You stayed silent for a moment. Max noticed the look on your face.

Max: Um...what did he play? You said he got this from his coach?

You cleared your throat and nodded again.

Y/N: He played football. He was a pretty good quarterback. Yeah, he killed it every time he was on the field. Got a full scholarship to Orgeon. He was gonna be a Duck.

Max: Was?

You rubbed your chin for a moment.

Y/N: Yeah. Was.

Max looked at you slightly worried.

Max: You know, I asked about you to some people. They all said the same thing.

Y/N: Yeah? And what's that?

Max: That you're nice, but quiet. Everyone I spoke to only had good things to say about you. But no one knows anything about before you transfered to Blackwell.

Y/N: That's on purpose. Only Chloe, Joyce, and Sargent Asswipe know anything about that. It's not really something I like to talk about either.

Max got the message and decides to not push it further. Clearly it was a touchy issue.

Y/N: Anyway, sorry about your dorm. Nathan is a just a coward. Though, I guess it was better he do that than attack you again.

Max: Yeah. But I still have to clean it up later.

You nodded.

Y/N: I can help, if you want.

Max smiled at the offer.

Max: I would appreciate that. So, what do you think about Kate's story?

Max had explained what happened in Kate's room on the way here. Honestly, it pissed you off. People were seriously getting drugged left and right here and no one has said anything? And Nathan was clearly involved.

Y/N: I think we should do what we can as fast as possible. We can't let this happen to anyone else.

Max: Right. It's kinda scary to think about.

You nodded in agreement. You eventually reached the diner and you pulled into the parking lot. You parked your car and turned it off before you sat there. Max noticed.

Max: You okay?

No. How did things get this bad with you ever noticing? You wanted to tear Nathan a new one, but what would that even do? No. You needed proof, first. Then, you can kick his ass and hand him over to the police.

Y/N: I will be. Come on. Let's get some food in our bellies.

Max smiled.

Max: Yeah. I'm starving.

You smiled at her before you opened your door. You both stepped out and you looked up at the sign.

Two Whales Diner. Open 24 Hours. Across the street was a gas station but that wasn't really important. You also spotted Joyce through the window.

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