Episode 2: Out of Time #3

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You pulled up to the junk yard and parked the car. You recalled coming here quite a bit with Chloe and Rachel. Actually, this was where you got your first tattoo. Not the most sanitary place, but you didn't really think about that at the time.

You got out with the girls and Chloe immediately made her way towards the entrance. You followed with Max struggling to keep up.

Max: Is this a race?

Chloe: Keep up.

You raised a brow while Max sighed.

Max: How many times are you going to get pissed at me this week?

Chloe: That depends on you. And how well you do on this next phase of the test.

Max seemed a bit upset, but you place a hand on her shoulder.

Y/N: Ignore her. You have nothing to prove to her. You're doing great.

Max smiled at your words as Chlose picked up a glass bottle. She gestured to the junk yard.

Chloe: Welcome to American Rust, my home away from hell.

Max: Raw and rough. It suits you.

You laughed a bit. It definitely does.

Chloe: Max, do you know how awesome this is? I get my best friend back, she's super-sized, and she totally has the hots for my cousin?

You and Max looked at each other before you quickly looked away. Why did your cousin have to say things?

Max: We don't know for how long.

Chloe: Exactly why it's time to have fun.

Chloe walked ahead and pulled something out from her jeans. You groaned as soon as you saw what it was.

Y/N: Seriously, Chloe? You took David's gun? Does everyone have a gun now? Is that what Arcadia Bay is becoming? Fucking Waco?

Chloe: Only the ones who shouldn't. Like step-dildo. Until now.

Y/N: No. No, you're definitely the last person who should have a gun. Have you met yourself?

Chloe just rolled her eyes as she aimed the gun at some junk.

Max: I'm not in the revolution yet, Che.

Chloe: You are the revolution, Max. You and Y/N. So we should figure out how to best use and abuse your power with a test.

Chloe took a drink of her beer before she held it out towards Max.

Chloe: Drink.

Max: Yuck.

Chloe: You are so cute. You haven't changed a bit. Cus?

You denied it. Chloe just shrugged and took another drink before she turned to the weird set up that was already there.

Chloe: Okay, let's do this. Can you find five bottles while I prep the shooting range?

Max raised a brow.

Max: Beer and guns, nice combo.

Chloe just waved it off.

Chloe: You can handle it. Now go find us five bottles. Pretty please?

You gently pushed her and turned to Max.

Y/N: Come on. I'll help since someone most definitely won't.

Chloe just smiled and went off to do...nothing. Let's be honest here, folks. Max nodded in thanks and you lead the way.

You walked with Max when you spotted a glass bottle on top of a fridge and some tires. You walked over and tried to reach it, but it was too high up. Eventually, your fingers brushed it causing it to fall, and break.

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