Episode 2: Out of Time #4

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Chloe: I still can't believe you pulled a gun out on Frank. That was epic.

You walked behind the two girls on the train tracks. Max and Chloe were both on the rails, balancing as they walked along. They were off in their own world as you looked at your phone.

Max: I felt awful. I'm glad there wasn't any bullets in there.

Chloe: You can just rewind time in your hand and stick that barrel right up Frank's ass. You have the power!

Max: You're gross. Don't fall.

The two held each other's hands to keep their balance. You noticed the text you had received from Kate and opened it.

Kate: Hey, thanks for talking to me this morning. It was nice to know I jave someone I can count on. XO TYYL

You smiled and sent back a quick text for her to read later.

Y/N: Any crime, anytime. Hope you feel a bit better. Thanks for the kisses.

You smiled at the text. While you did, Max watched you from over her shoulder.

Chloe: What's up?

Max turned back to her friend who was now looking at her cousin.

Chloe: Wait, do you actually have the hots for my cousin?

Max blushed a bit and turned her attention back to the tracks.

Chloe: Oh my God. You totally do.

Max: No! No. Well....he's nice. And he's thoughtful. Kinda funny, too. Plus...I guess he is kind of cute.

Chloe laughed at her friend's crush.

Chloe: Dude, that's my cousin. Besides, isn't he seeing that Kate girl or whatever?

Max: I don't think so. Wouldn't she already have his number if they were dating?

Chloe agreed that it was a good point. Max looked back towards you as you slipped your phone back into your pocket. You looked up, causing Max to quickly look away.

Chloe: Well, I'm just glad we're here.

Max: Me too...I think. Chloe, why the hell aren't you hanging around scary losers like Frank? It's weird.

Y/N: How about we take a break, and she can tell us.

Chloe hopped off the tracks with Max and laid down. Max did the same and you looked around for a moment. Finally, you sat down too.

Chloe: Feels like a different world, huh? I wish we could stay forever.

You looked up at the sky and enjoyed the peaceful calm surrounding you. It was hard to stop and take the world in every once and a while. It was, nice.

Your mind went back to Kate. You seriously hoped she was doing alright. All you can do is take it one day at a time.

Max: Can we build another pirate fort and keep the world out?

Chloe: We need a new secret hangout. At least Frank wouldn't find us. Are you okay, Max?

Max: I'm still freaking out about what happened. That was awful, Chloe.

Y/N: I'm sorry. But Frank isn't as hard-core as he fronts.

Chloe nodded in agreement.

Chloe: All he cares about is his cash, stash, and mangy dog.

Max: Did you guys see what just happened? I almost shot him! I know I can rewind time, but Chloe, this is not playtime. No more guns.

Chloe: Max, I know. Crazy shit is the new normal for me. That's why I planned to leave Arcadia Bay without paying Frank off.

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