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A new school, just what I need.

A trip to the chancellor's office, also just what I need.

You know, it's especially nice to be called down to the chancellor's office in the middle of a lecture full of students you've never met. And when they all turn to the back of the class and simultaneously murmur to their friends "who's that" because who is that random boy we've never seen before in a long sleeved black jumper in 72° weather, that is especially welcoming.

So now I'm on my way to the chancellor's office, feeling very blue. However, to brighten my day, I look up to see one of the most attractive men I've ever seen. Great. Someone to admire. Someone to admire who is also going to the chancellor's office. I speed up

"Um, hey." I say to the boy. He turns.

"Wow, what a compelling greeting. I've never seen you before, and I think I would've remembered someone as beautiful as you." He smiled. I was surprised, not by his boldness, but by the fact that he beamed, with teeth, not a smirk. Usually a smirk goes along with a statement as douchebaggy as that. Somehow his smile made it seem sweet.

"Interesting observation. Since were trading compliments, I would have to say you're particularly gorgeous as well." I winked at him.

Some things I've noticed from this conversation so far. He is about 5'9 tall, which is short compared to my 6'1. He actually has quite a deep voice. He has dark brown hair down to the middle of his ears parted on the left side. He has light, honey brown eyes. His skin is not quite tan and not quite pale, more of a light pink. Overall, he is adorable. However, I'm sure if I called him adorable he would correct it to sexy, he seems like the type.

"You heading to the chancellor?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm new." I answered. He probably guessed as such seeing as we've never met before and apparently he takes inventory of all the students at school?

"Ah, that explains it. Well, here, I'll lead you, I'm heading that way myself." He kept that beautiful smile on his face, I hope it never leaves.

"Thanks. I'm Levi, by the way." I said, putting my hand out for a shake.

"Jules." He answered, taking my hand. His hands are insanely soft, I'm guessing he uses lotion frequently. We held eye contact for a few seconds before he broke it with a sharp inhale.

We made our way to the office in silence. Comfortable silence, though. You know those silences where it feels like if no one talks you might just scream? This didn't feel like that somehow. I like that. Obviously Levi, who wouldn't like that? I sighed. Thank you for that, brain. I'm glad you're supportive.

When we got there the receptionist looked up with a smile.

"Hello boys, how may I help you today?" She asked gently. I walked up to her, grinning softly.

"I just got called down. Levi Drewer."

"Oh, yes. The councilor needs to see you. Something about your last school." She smiles. Oh boy, I am not smiling now.

My old school.

Singlehandedly the most homophobic place I have ever been. It's incredible that I spent twelve years there before my parents decided I'd had enough abuse and transferred me. Hopefully it's different here. I'm sure it is seeing as this boy behind me just openly flirted with me in the middle of the hallway where anyone could hear him.

"Oh, okay. Could you direct me to the office." She pointed in the direction.

I followed where she pointed and opened the door to a Mrs. Walters office. When I entered I could not see anyone. But when I sat down and the chair creaked, a tiny woman with fiery red hair slammed her head on the desk from underneath it. I jumped up.

"Oh my goodness! Are you alright ma'am?!" I yelled in concern.

"Oh I'm alright! You'd be surprised how many times it happens. Good news is I got my pen." She chuckled and waved the pen in the air and dropping it again. She sighed and waved her hands at it as if to say 'forget it'.

"So, what can I do for you?" She grinned, squinting her already small eyes into barely there slits.

"Um, I was told to come here. I'm Levi Drewer." I said, more in a questioning tone.

"Oh! Levi! I wanted to talk to you about your last school." She suddenly looked sympathetic.

"Right, the bullies, I presume." I chuckled.

"Yes, those. Really, I just wanted to say you're welcome to talk to me at any time, I'm always free so." She threw her hands up.

"You called me down here to tell me that you, the councilor, were available for counseling?" I asked, eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, I suppose." She giggled and scrunched up her nose.

"Oookay. Can I go?" I pointed my thumb backwards.

"Oh sure. I'll see you later." She waved.

"Yeah, okay." I walked out. Weird.

When I got back into the waiting area, Jules was there.

"Did you get called back yet?" I asked, gaining his attention.

"Oh, yeah, I was just waiting for you." He smiled up at me, standing up.

"Alright, well, let's go then. I was actually going to head to the bathroom. Could you help me find it?" I asked, beginning to walk away.

"Oh sure, let's go." He sped up to catch up to me.

We began walking down the hallway. He turned to me.

"You know, you're like insanely attractive. I feel like your personality is just as nice as your looks, too." He looked up at me.

"Well, thank you. I have to say that you are certainly adorable as well and I'd love to see more of you around." He scrunched his face up.

"I'm not adorable." Let's hear it.

"Oh yeah, what are you then?" I grinned.

"I'm sexy." There it is.

"Yeah, that too." He looked shocked. He looked down and shook his head, eyes wide.

"We're here. I guess I'll come in too." We went into the bathrooms and when he turned around to begin speaking, I simply couldn't help myself and slammed my lips onto his.

I pushed his back up against the wall, putting my hand on the wall behind his head before he could get hurt, and as he began to kiss back, I licked his bottom lip a bit, silently asking for entrance. He allowed it.

When my tongue touched his, he whimpered a bit. We continued like this for a few minutes. I pulled away.

"Wow. That was incredible." I praised him.

"Yeah, it was. Would you like to go out with me?" He bluntly asked.

"Nice, bold, I like it. Yes, I'd like to go out with you. However, can we discuss it later? I still have to piss." I answered.

He chuckled. "Of course."

Maybe this new school won't be so bad.


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