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"What about her?" He says, pointing to an overly busty brunette leaning over our countertop.

"Mm, no, not my type" I dismiss, sipping my beer.

He thinks he's helping me. Being a wingman and everything.

Really I'm only doing this because it means I can stand next to him all night.

I mean, I could for sure just tell him I'm gay.

For sure.

But I'm going to wait a bit I think.

It's not that I think he won't approve or like me anymore or something. It's that he's also gay and I have a big fat schoolboy crush on him. Have for 5 years now. I'm suffering.

"Come on, Angel! You turn everyone down. You're 20! Don't you want to experience a night of passion? Nobody is a virgin anymore." He sighs, rolling his eyes.

I look over, "You're a virgin,"

He gets red, "Oh. Right."

"Anyway, it's not that I don't want that, I just haven't seen anyone I want to do that with. Not anyone you've pointed out anyway." I mumbled the last part.

"Hey! I have great skills." His face did that cute thing where it gets all scrunched up. Aww.

"Lucien, you wouldn't know how to pick a girl if they robbed you and stood in a police lineup. It's okay that your wingman skills aren't top notch. I don't need them to be." I said, smiling at him.

"Then why did you ask me to be your wingman if you don't want a night in the throes of passion with one of these lovely ladies?" He looked at me with a blank face.

"I didn't ask you," I pointed out, to which he threw his hands up in exasperation, "and even if I did sleep with one of these women, it surely would not be a night in the 'throes of passion'." I made quotations with my fingers.

"Okay, well if you don't need me to be a wingman and you're not having sex can we please ask all these people to leave?"

Yes, we invited people over for a party solely for the fact that Lucien wanted to be a 'wingman'.

"I didn't invite them in the first place, you make them leave if you want." I dismissed.

"Alright," he turned to the crowd and yelled "YO! EVERYBODY OUT!" people only looked over to him, "NOW!" They scurried out the door until our apartment was empty.

Lucien is not by any means big, he must be 5'7 at most, but he is still one of the most intimidating people I know.

I, on the other hand, happen to be quite large, if I do say so myself, maybe 5'11 or 6'0. But I also happen to not be intimidating at all. Everyone always calls me 'soft' and 'cute'. Ugh.

That's part of the reason no one bothered Lucien when he came out, because they were scared of him. I used to be, too. At least until he showed me how much of a dumbass he is.

He waltzed back over to me after everyone cleared out.

"Clean up time?"

Fuck. No.


Lucien and I have the same morning class at 8:00, so we go together.

"Lucien! Get out of the shower! You don't have time to wank!" I yelled through the door.

"I'm not having a wank! This gorgeous hair takes time!" He yelled back.

"Well, it's never taken this much time!" I argued.

I heard a loud groan and the water shut off. Then the door opened to reveal a grumpy Lucien.

"I'm out, you happy now?" He grumbled.

"Yes." I gave him a big smile, revealing my dimples I knew he couldn't resist.

"Ugh." He walked off to get dressed.

We stopped for breakfast like always before we began to put on a car concert. Like always.

Lucien and I have been friends since as long as I can remember, which is why I know without a shadow of a doubt that he loves me. I do also know, however, that he probably doesn't know his best friend thinks about having sex with him. No, he probably doesn't know that.

Class was boring. Anthropology. Why did I take that?

I'm honestly getting bored of the same thing happening every day.

Maybe I should tell him?

When we got back home, Lucien began to walk to his room but I grabbed his arm.

"Wait a second," I stopped him.

He turned around, "what's up, Angel?"

"Um, I wanted to, em, tell you something?" It sounded more like a question.

"Oh, okay, let's sit down, okay?" He pulled me to the couch.

"So what do you want to tell me?"

Here we go.

"I'm gay." I started.

He blinked, "okay?"

I exhaled.

"Did you think I would be mad or something?" He chuckled.

"No. Not about that part, at least." I mumbled.

"What? There's more?" He furrowed his brows.

"Yeah," I inhaled sharply, "I like you."

He raised his eyebrows but before he could interrupt, I continued.

"I have for a while, I'm actually pretty sure I'm in love with you." I rambled.

"Wow. That's a lot to take in."

We sat in silence for a bit.

"Oh, I like you, too if it wasn't obvious." He blurted.

"Um it actually wasn't. At all." I said with wide eyes.

"Oh, whoops." He blushed. Aww.

"So should we like date?" I asked him.

"Um, sure I guess. I've never been with anyone so I don't really know how this goes." He explained.

"I know that, dummy, I'm with you every day." I shoved him a bit.

"Fine, but you know what we should do since I've been wanting too?"

"What?" I asked.

"I want to kiss you."

And he did.

He climbed over on to my lap and kissed me.

And I'll spare you the details but we kissed for a while and we ended up laying down on the couch with him on top of me.

And I've never been happier.



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