4. Empty

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"Y/N , come forward and take your score sheet " Prof. Lee called out in his usual dry voice. He takes the comparative literature class every Monday and Friday. On that day he was handing over the score sheets for a small class test he conducted last week.

You walked till his desk and extended your hand to collect it but he pulled it back in front of his face, looked at it once more ,then again looking at the room full of students he said ,

" Oh.. also I forgot to mention, Y/N scored the highest. "

You gave him a vague smile and collected it from him. How is it even humanly possible to be as expressionless as Prof. Lee ? It amazed you and made your heart ache a little at the same time. Not that you wanted him to put up a show in front of the class for you scoring the highest but a little compliment doesn't really harm anyone, right ?

By the time the class was over, it was already decided by your friends that you need to treat them soju for your accomplishment.

While you were sitting at the table with 6 other batch mates , who were laughing at boring jokes and gulping soju, Yong-joon came forward and whispered in your ears ,

" Don't even think they love you, they are here for free soju "

Ahh.. You couldn't agree any more. Half smiling you pulled his ears in front of your mouth and said,
" You love me right ? That shall do. "

He looked at you for a moment with that witty smirk on his face and replied,

" This 'they' includes me too "
pouring down a glass of soju to mock me and started laughing .
You rolled up your eyes but couldn't help yourself from laughing in the end.

As the last round of bottles got empty , you raised your hand indicating the waiter to bring the bill. That's when you realised that with this payment your wallet won't be any less emptier than those bottles.
Agghh .... Y/N , what the hell in wrong with you !! What do you think of yourself ? A billionaire ?
You were mad at yourself for being so reckless about spending so much, pointlessly. You promised yourself to be a tight hand from now on and not let yourself drain out of cash. But deep down you knew , this was one of those promises that no one keeps.

While others went on their ways after getting out of the restaurant, Yong-joon insisted walking you to your dorm. On the way he was singing *Winter Bear* . You have fallen in love with that song since the first time you heard it. Even though there was no scale of comparing how much you loved Taehyung's voice in it but you fell for it yet again in a different way altogether when Yong-joon sang it for you.

As you walked beside him , you kept wondering about the conversation you had with him earlier. You know he was joking but did you wanted to hear something else when you said that you loved him ? It wasn't the 'Love' love that you meant... It was just...

"Hey, Y/N " he said playfully while wrapping his one arm around your shoulder, jolting you out of your trail of thoughts.
You raised your face to look at him, waiting for him to speak again. He looked at his shoes, probably trying to avoid eye contact, then asked in his soft raspy voice,
"Have you thought about what you are going to gift me on my birthday ?"

Ohhhh nooo !!

You have absolutely forgotten about it. It was next week . Damn Y/N
"Aa..ah.. 'am still thinking about it." you tried your best to hide your recklessness but failed to stop startling while you spoke.
Then you took a moment to composed yourself and said,
"Why ? Do you have something in mind ? What do you want Joonie... ? Tell me "
"Mmm.. I do have something in mind.
I was thinking if you would accompany me to the BTS fan meet. Surprisingly it's on my birthday itself."

You were taken aback as soon as you heard it.
His birthday ! Gift ! BTS FAN MEET !!!!!!
Your heart was racing at its fullest speed , adrenaline rushing down your veins and your head almost started spinning.
Was it even happening for real or you are gonna wake up any moment to realise that it is just a dream ? Your brain wasn't really capable of handling so much of excitement and surprise. It was flabbergasted.

" Hello Y/N ! You alive ?"

Yong-joon asked while shaking his hand in front of my eyes , his head sightly tilted towards his left.

His question brought you back to your senses and you smiled at him stupidly like a baby.

" What are you ? An angel ?" it was all that could come out of your mouth at that moment.

Yong-joon busted into laughter and after laughing his heart out he tapped on your forehead with his finger,

" May be. But I am the greatest friend one can ever have and that's for sure " he winked at you while saying it. His dark black eyes were the brightest thing at that moment.

Can you disagree even a bit ?No. NO , you simply can't. You nodded you head and hugged him tight.

Later that night, while sleep was nowhere to be found as your excitement was at its extreme, you decided that you would confess about your feelings to Yong-joon on his birthday.

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