13. The Secret Job

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When you returned home it was pretty late. You changed into comfortable clothes and decided to cook a good meal for yourself. You were pretty chilled out and in a good mood after long and wanted to treat yourself for that. The process started by picking up some ingredients from the white box. You grilled some sausage and bacon, made some scrambled eggs, cooked a bowl of carbonara and grabbed a piece of dark chocolate and a blueberry muffin.

" Girl, you have some appetite today !" you exclaimed to yourself.

You softly landed on the bed, with a plate full of splendid food in your hand. Turning to your side, connected your mobile to the speakers and played

*Boy With Luv*

Meanwhile you noticed that there was an unread text message waiting for you.

Unknown Number : It would be magical to hear you calling my name but I am afraid that the secret job I have, won't give me that liberty. And about the letter, you dared to say it was just unconventional not special ? Let me tell you Y/N, that it is the most precious thing I ever had.

Your mood just got way better after reading that text but also a spark of curiosity passed through your mind. The Secret Job ? What it could be ? Was he a detective or a spy ? Or some mafia boss ?

" Damn ! This is getting intense !" you grinned while talking to yourself and stuffing your mouth with food.

You called up Benny, she needed to know all about it.

" Are you fucking insane !?!? " She was screaming on the top of her lungs from the other side of the phone.

" Firstly, the guy we both thought to be a cutie pie turns out to be Psycho and now you are falling head over heels for a masked stranger who might be a spy or a gangster or a terrorist !!!"
She grunted in anger and frustration.

" But Benny he doesn't look like that you know.."
you replied in a timid, almost inaudible voice.

" Looks like ? Girl have you even seen his face ?"

" No... but... "

" Okay... Let me explain this to your dumb ass once again... You are in a new country, all alone, your closest friend was a sadist and you came to know about it like a day ago and now you want this guy to be a part of your life who's whole fucking identity is a mystery to you ?"

She was calm and unimaginably sarcastic this time and her ever word were like kunai knives of rationality, thrown at you.

You were speechless. You really didn't have words to explain yourself. She was right in all possible ways but you were still not convinced. You can't give up on him, that's all you knew.

After another half an hour of scolding and being furious, Benny finally gave up. She hung up the call by cursing you and your spontaneity, you silently listened to all of it till the last.
Benny had all the right to be furious and mad, she was just worried for you. But you being the rebellious lad, wanted to see the end of this. If he turns out to be someone dangerous, you will know its all your fault but the what if he didn't ? That's what makes you take the leap of faith.

You finally decided to reply to his last text.

Y/N : Secret Job huh ? That means I can't really let my guards down around you.

Unknown Number : You would have otherwise ?

His reply popped on your screen in a matter of few seconds. It was clear that he was waiting for your reply. And damn! What a professional flirt he was. His simple texts made you feel ticklish in your tummy.

Y/N : But this damn "otherwise".

You too knew how to play this game. After that, your texts with him, were a series of ifs and buts, and, what and what nots.

When you finally decided to wish him a good night and curled up in your bed for a sleep it was hours past midnight.

Next day at college, minutes felt like hours, why was the time passing so slow ! May be it really wasn't, it was just that you couldn't wait any longer to go to work (meet him).

When your lectures were over, you only had 20 minutes to rush to your dorm, dump your backpack there and run to reach on time for work. After a good sprint, you reached the store, all soaked in sweat. You dig in your pockets for the mobile to check the time, only to find that you have left it at the dorm. With a disappointed face you entered and saw Yuri rearranging the confectionaries section. She looked at you with a big smile on her face and a bit of concern in her eyes, she said,

" You look tired sweetie. You fine ?"

" Yeaahhh... I just need to run a bit. I was running out of time"

" Ahhh... You don't have to stress out. It's not like I'll eat you alive if you come in few minutes late." she assured.

Well, you knew that. Yuri was way too sweet to do so. But you knew you can't be late, you had your own reasons.

It's been a minute since Yuri left and your shift has started but no one has walked in through the store's door.

10 minutes passed by, still no signs of him. Your eyes still glued to the door.

After several more minutes, your first customer arrived. But he didn't have black clothes, rather a beige colored check shirt and a grey part , his hair even greyer. You quickly walked up to the grandpa to help him add things to his cart.

An hour since your shift and you were not ready to give up on the idea that he wasn't gonna come today. Slowly Benny's words started clouding in your mind. No matter how hard you tried to convince yourself that it really doesn't matter and you weren't really expecting anything from that anonymous man but deep down you knew it wasn't really the case.

At 21:30 your shift was over. You were walking towards your dorm with a strange feeling in your heart, your mind battling, your body quite restless. The last time you felt something similar to this was when Yong-joon stood up on you. Though this time it was different, there was no commitment whatsoever. But your heart ached a bit, actually, quite a bit.

When you opened the door of your dorm, you saw your phone was ringing. You rushed towards it, but before you could pick it up the mobile battery died. You stormed to find the charger and waited in anticipation for atleast 1% of battery life so that you could find who was calling.

As soon as your mobile screen was turned on, your eyes widened to its maximus.

7 Messages. 4 Missed Calls.
Unknown Number.


A/N : Sorry for this weird chapter 😅
I too have mixed feelings about this one but I hope you'll like it.

And once again, thank you so much for hanging in till here, it gonna get better 🤭

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