7. Umbrella

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You couldn't sleep well last night. No, not because of any ordeals but because you were way to excited for the morning sun to shine bright. You checked your mobile again to know whether it would be way too early to start getting ready for the day.


Dang ! Why was the time passing like a boulder snail ! It felt like hours before you checked the time last and it was just 05:03. But you simply couldn't keep yourself on the bed anymore. With all the adrenaline rushing in your blood, it would be nothing but self destructing act to not do something at least.

You sprang up on you bed, stretching out your hand to reach for the album, a the little note over it. You brushed your fingertips over the words neatly written on the yellow piece of paper. Each words written on that note is revised a hundred times at minimum and thought about a zillion times inside your head.

" Dearest Suga,

If I ever lose you, from where should I start looking ?"

You had this question prepared even before you came to South Korea. It was in your head since the first time you heard his deep , hoarse voice spitting fire in his raps and stupendously fall for it. Since when you started having your imaginary conversations with him, that's exactly from then, you knew what you will ask him if you ever get a chance to meet this charming personality.

You have memorized each and every word you would be speaking today, by heart. All you needed was some explicate amount of courage to utter them without choking yourself of the excitement.

After a moment of boasting yourself with a little Ted Talk to self, about how it is likely to be a once in a lifetime opportunity and you simply can't let your stupidity ruin even a bit, of what is going to be, the most memorable moment of your life.

You tapped on your mobile screen again.



You were almost cursing an inanimate thing like passage of time when because of your irritation infused anger, you double tapped on the screen accidently , unlocking your phone.

You chat with Yong-joon flashed over it. The long, sweet message that you have sent him right at the stroke of midnight, wishing him a happiest birthday wasn't even been seen yet. It breaks your heart a little. You have planned to video call him right after he would have read the message just to see his expression . You even had a muffin , with a little candle stacked over it resting on your desk which you thought would serve as a distant-midnight-mini-birthday celebration. But he wouldn't just reply or answer your calls.

You console yourself assuming he would have fallen fast asleep or may be, he was having some family time or something. Not that you weren't shoving off the possibility that how he would either way had the time of 10 seconds just to reply you or simply receive your call and let you know what he was up to.


You had dressed up in the cutest outfit that you have owned, with a bit of makeup to complement the peach colored knee length dress. It had ruffles all around the flare of the skirt portion of the dress with few small flowers printed here and there. Your tan colored slingbag was gliding down your shoulder till your waist , a pair of white sneakers and you were good to go.

You need to leave the dorm by next 5 minutes but Yong-joon is nowhere to be found. You have called him over ten times by now but... but...

Is it some kind of a prank he is trying to pull off ?

You grunt in frustration. He is gonna be so dead today for running late on THE DAY !!! You were supposed to tell him about your feelings right ? Well screw that, you want to beat the shit out him right now.

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