19. Japan

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The next Sunday was the longest day of your life. Even though it started with his good morning message and included many long calls from him but nothing could stop you from missing every moment of yesterday.

You had felt his warmth, his kisses, his tears. A day that was a complete fairytale in itself. Yet the saddest part was that you didn't have anyone to talk about it. Benny would be so mad if you tell her that you went on a date with the "anonymous man" and you hardly had anyone else to talk to.

The next day you were half an hour early and wore a fancy top to work. And obviously, Yuri didn't miss a chance to tease you.

" So ? Looks like the man is your man already."
she was giggling like a teenager.

" I can't say that yet but we did go on a date."
you blushed with shades of bright pink spread on your cheeks.

" What !!! Girl.... Tell me everything !" she was almost screaming.

Her capability of being so young at heart and making you feel like she was someone of your age and a close friend, made you admire her even more. And finally you had someone to talk to about it all. You poured in each and every details of the date in front of her, smiling ear to ear throughout the process. You were so lost in narrating everything in vivid detail to Yuri that you didn't even notice that he was already standing in front of the counter, god knows for how long.

" Ahhemm " he fake coughed to make you aware of his presence and as soon as you realized, your whole face become red, the shade of tomato. You wanted the land under your feet to move apart and burry your stupid self deep inside it.

Seeing you so nervous and embarrassed, Yuri came in to your rescue.

" You have been treating her like a princess young man. It's so good to see that kids these days haven't forgotten the old classic romance. "
she put her hand on his shoulder admiring him for all he had done for you.

" Thank you so much ma'am. I believe she is indeed a princess and deserves a lot more. I am not yet doing justice to her."
he said in his calm and raspy voice.

Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. How could he do this every time ? Every time when you thought he had done something beyond your imagination and nothing can surprise you anymore, the next thing he does proves you wrong , all over again. Why was he so damn cute ?

Yuri give in to a small laugh and patted his shoulder. He turned his gaze towards you, you still caught in extremity of surprise. Then Yuri waved you both a good bye and left the store.

You kept staring at him, not knowing how to respond to this feeling. The way he made you feel, like you are the most important thing in his life, the way he would talk about you to Yuri, you still couldn't believe that he was for real. He softly stroked your cheek with the back of his palm and said,

" I missed you so much my princess."

You still unable to make yourself speak, kept staring at his deep doe eyes. After a minute or so, you gathered up all your consciousness and said,

" I wish that day never ended."

" Don't worry. More such days are about to come."
he assured and then took a deep breathe and spoke again,

" But right now, I have a bad news to share."

Your heart started beating faster. You had no freaking idea about what he was going to say but a strange sense of fear was gulping you in. You gulped loudly and asked,

" What is it ?"

" I'll need to go to Japan for a week and will be quite busy. I might not get chances to call you much as well."

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