33. Good Morning

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Sometime around the break of the dawn you were awaken from your sleep. You couldn't open your eyes completely yet, but knew the luxurious fragrance of the room was distinctly different from the basic lavender scented candles you had at your dorm. You yawned and rubbed your eyes to make yourself more awake so that you could recollect where you were and how exactly you ended up there.

You turned to your side only to find Yoongi staring at you, your head over his arm. You blinked your eyes rapidly, trying to confirm that you weren't hallucinating when he ended up having a small laugh at your confused state.

" When did I sleep ?" you asked.

" May be an hour ago, or may be more. I lost track of the time."

" And since when are you staring at me like that creep ?"

" Since I saw your beautiful eyes giving in to tiredness and your lips slightly pouted as you dozed off."

Why was he so cute ? Why did he care for you so much ? Why would he always make you feel like he can turn the world upside down for you ? Well, those questions will remain unanswered and leave you in complete awe.

You simply pressed your lips over his softly which tasted like coffee. You retreated back to look into his ebony black eyes and said,

" How are you even real ?"

" I am not. Just any moment now, you will wake up from the dream and I will be nowhere to be found."
he tried to crack a joke but soon realized that it went off the limits.

Your eyes instantly widened after listening to what he said and a strange feeling of fear engulfed you instantly. The eyes that have got no break from crying yet again had been moist. Yoongi soon realized how unintentionally yet bluntly, he ended up hurting you.

In the very next moment he cupped your face and looked at you with deep concern. When he spoke, his voice was shaking,

" Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It just slipped out of mouth without me giving it a thoug.."

You nodded aggressively to let him know that it was fine but you might break down if he spoke any more about it.

" Hey.. Hey... Hey... Babe... Don't cry. It breaks my heart as well. Not even in my worst nightmare I'll want a life without you in it. "

By this time you had completely lost control over your emotions and crying was becoming something as regular as breathing. Sometimes it was because your heart ached, in other times it would be because you can't believe that your boyfriend was real.
Your nose was stuffy and lips soaked in tears when you spoke in your muffled voice,

" Yoongi ? "

" Yes sweetheart "

" How do I even deserve you ? I mean, I'm so simple and ordinary. On the contrary you are one of the most famous person of the world, with millions of fans who can do anything and everything even to see you for once. You are so beautiful, so talented. You're an artist who inspires so many people out there. You could have got so much better than me. "

It was not like you were looking for his compliments or something but these things had been on your mind since long. You have often questioned yourself a hundred of times that how do you even deserve him ?

He placed his hand on your cheek and gently rub his thumb over your moist skin. Even in the poorly lit room, his skin was glowing and you could see the glitter in his eyes.

" Yes, you are simple. I'll happily agree to that but you are not ordinary. You are highly educated and mature, understanding and kind. You make me feel comfortable and trusted. It's because of you that I feel like I should be born as a human not as a rock in my next life, to relive everything once again, with you.
You are beautiful Y/N. And I like you so much. SO MUCH. Never question your worth ever again, because you deserve all of it and even more."

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