18. Trust

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After completing the poem you looked at him, his beautiful eyes were closed. He was sound asleep in your lap. A man with so much of secrets, was lying on your lap, without any fear of getting exposed. In matter of seconds you can take off that mask and he wouldn't even know. Why did he trust you so much ? May be that trust was the reason that you never even attempted on knowing more than what he wanted to tell.
You softly moved your fingers through his hair, your eyes fixed at his gorgeous face, admiring every bit of it.
After a few more minutes he opened his eyes, only to find you gazing at him. He didn't say a word, rather brought his hand in front of your eyes and covered them.

" Don't look at me like that or else I won't be able to control myself."
he said in his soft raspy voice.

A wave of electric current flowed down your body. There was this weird ticklish feeling in your abdomen and for some reason you were feeling like the heat of the room has raise to an unimaginable level.

He slowly got up, his hand still covering your eyes and with his other hand he softly pulled your hand indicating to stand up. As soon as you did, he slowly moved behind you and whispered in your ears,

" Come with me Y/N. I want to show you something."

Without any words, you walked with his guidance, your eyes still covered and your heart beating at double its speed. You understood that you were now outside the cottage become soft wind was touching your skin, sending a bit of shiver down your body. He again whispered in your ears,

" Are you ready ?"

You gulped loudly and nodded you head. When he moved his hand away from your eyes, your mind was blown away. It was already dark outside but all the trail of lightbulbs were glowing, illuminating the whole area. The table underneath had candles of different sizes, arranged beautifully with bunch of wild flowers. A soft instrumental music was adding in to the vibe of that place. The lake beside the house had some boats, decorated with lanterns and far behind, you could see the water sparkling because of the glow of fireflies.

Never in your whole life you had witness something so eternally beautiful. Despite the chill that you felt just few seconds ago, you were feeling warm. The warmth at your heart, reaching up to your skin.

You turned towards him, still not able to believe that all of it was real. He held both of your hands and slowly pulled you closer. You could feel the heat of his body, his eyes were locked into yours, he was breathing sharply. You tiptoed to reach your lips up till his ears and whispered softly,

" You don't need to control yourself."

You felt him inhale sharply. His hands moved from your hands to your waist and he pulled you in his arms. You were in his warm embrace, you buried your face deep in his chest and the smell of his intoxicating cologne made your body tremble. He slowly push you a bit and cupped your face with both of his hand. He was exhaling sharply and you could feel his body shivering as he said,

" Close your eyes." his voice almost like a whisper.

You closed your eyes with a grin on your face. His one hand left your face for a moment and the next thing you felt were his soft lips colliding over yours. A spark of current flowed through your body, give you an immense drive. Your hands swiftly wrapped around his back and your lips gave in to his. He softly bite your lower lip and soon started sucking on it. Your one hand rushed to reach the back of his head, burying your fingers in his dark black hair. He is exploring your lips, your tongue and every inch of your mouth as if it's his own territory. Both of your breath is tangled together at that moment, with passion and heat, knowing no boundaries. The more passionate the kisses grew, so did your desire to open your eyes and see his face.

You yearned to see the face of the man who had made you feel out of your element, who filled your heart with warmth, who ignited your body to the level of emitting heat, for once you wanted to see his face. Your thoughts were continuously battling with your own conscience. You couldn't break his trust, you simply can't. After all that he had done, after the extent he had been to make you feel comfortable, the way he has been resting his secrecy on the brim of trust that he believes you won't break, you simply can't let all of this go crashing down.

You didn't open your eyes.

Why this needed to be so complicated? Why he would have had this secret to keep? And yet why he trusted you so much ? All of this made your body stiff, which he soon realized. He gently pulled you back in his arms, this time holding you so tight as if he was afraid that if he loosens his grip, he might lose you. He slowly brought his lips closer to your eyes and said,

" I am sorry. I am sorry for doing this to you. I am so sorry."
his voice cracked by the end of his sentence.

You felt some warm liquid touching your cheeks. His tears rolled down as he gently kept his face over your shoulder. You tightened your grip, clutching his shirt with both of your hands, holding him tightly. He was helpless. It wasn't just you who wanted to know more about him. It was even him who wanted to pour in everything in front of you, tell you every little details about himself.

His vulnerability made you stronger than before. All you knew is that you felt the happiest with him and you can't make him feel otherwise. You turned your head and bit and whispered in his ears,

" It's okay. I can wait. I can wait till the very end."

As you said those words you felt him holding you even tighter. You softly stroked his back, trying to comfort him and said,

" Wear your mask. I'll keep my eyes closed."

He slowly stepped out of your embrace and did what you said. After which he cupped your face with both of his hands and said,

" How am I even so lucky to get someone like you ?"

" So am I, to have you, Mr. Tangerines" you giggled while opening your eyes.

You both busted into laughter. Your terrible name giving skills have finally done something good.

After spending some more time in the serenity of that beautiful place, you insisted on leaving before it gets way too late. An hour long drive was filled with a lot of chit-chat, humming to your favorite music, and beautiful silence of reminiscing the most beautiful moments of your life.

When you returned back to your dorm, with a warm heart, precious memories and his fragrance wrapped around your body, you realized how badly you needed him in your life.


A/N :

Hey Guys !

So ? How was it ? I know you all wanted the face reveal but I guess I compensated well for it. 😉

Do let me know your reviews.

Boraeh 💜

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