.Chapter 8.

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. Chapter 8.

I wake up in a fog and blur from the lights rays. I actually sleep good. Usually i would wake up stiff or like i was bruised or hurt everywhere on my body. Guess i just needed a new bed. Wait, now that i come to think of it, this isnt my bed. I look around my surroundings and then i remember that, this isnt my house; its Nathans. Then i remember everything that happened the day before. Him watching me dance, stretching, his compliments that would embarrass the hell of me, but not in a bad way at all. Its just that ive noticed that ever since ive meet Nathan, ive been feeling better. Now i feel a bit scared of him just because hes like a treasure map. You have to go certain places just to find the jackpot. But i also feel happy, cherised, and different. A good different. I know we just met but when i first saw him, i knew he wasnt like everyone else, but in his own way. Even i still dont understand it but i wonder about him sometimes.

Before i met him i was depressed, uncared, stressed, and even down casted by the ones i care for. Then, when i met Julius' parents i finally felt like i belonged somewhere. But i would usually shut out any and everything. People, myself , and even the ones i know who loved me. I would hide in a corner in the dark and would let myself break down. I didnt care who heared or even cared because at that point in time, i had no one. Not even myself.

They would hear my cries and when the couldnt take it anymore they would ask. They told me they wait until they cant take it anymore because they want to give me time to think. I thank them for that. But they get upset when i cant talk with them. Its not that i dont want to talk, its just that i might not be ready to talk. Or the words that i would have to use to get them to understand my feelings, just wont come out. Which makes me struck with silence. Whats the point of trying to tell something if you cant even speak? Then when i first told them that, they got angrier. They say i keep them inside the dark and it makes them feel bad because they cant do anything to help me. Which makes me cry more because i cause that feeling making them feel like they're not good enough to help me.

But when i met Nathan its like all of that went away but for how long?

 I roll over in the bed and his arm is still wrapped around my waist. He looks so peaceful and transquil. His hair is spiky but flowy at the same time and has a shine from the sun making his skin and face glow with a tanned tone. Lips parted, half opened half closed, and i wonder how soft they ar-----

Stop it, yes he saved you from something you don't really know what happened but you still just met him. Calm down.

  Can i calm down around him? Every time im near him my heartbeat quickens and i hold my breath.

I try to move his arm from myself without waking him up, but once his arm is off me, i slide from the bed onto the floor. Didnt wake, good. I tip toe to my closet and i decide to go for a little run outside. I open the doors and grab a multicolored top and black leggings and of course, shoes. I get my phone and headphones. As i head downstairs, i dont even get water, i just go and blast music.

I have never been so tired in my life but i know why. I start too fast then i eventually start to slow down. 

Nice idea to go offcourse, Skyes. Nice.

I look around and i look like im in the woods. I cant jog anymore because i tripped once and i have a cut in my leg and im basically limping. Suddenly, my music stops and i find out that my phone just died on me. I didnt charge it last night. I hear something rustling in the bushes and i say to myself; ' its just the wind ' its my little montra in my head. Then i notice that im on the ground staring, eye to eye with a wolf the size of a tiger.

Beautiful Silence #FreshStartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora