.Chapter 9.

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Hey guys!!! This for all the reads and even though they dimmed down, im still grateful that someone is reading. No judge thou. Still ilyg Just little tip though, In this chapter is kinda important for the next 3 chapters have in mind for the future. So don't want you guys confused so let's just jump right into it.

.Chapter 9.

I come eye to eye with a shimmering brown and silver wolf and it stares start in to my soul. As I cower in fear and disparate need to get away and live, the wolf stares at me with confusion and insecurity in his eyes. And too my surprise I stare right back.
" Are we going to have a staring contest now? "   It barks at me like it understood me and it tongue hangs out.
" Now your nice to me? "  Its tongue sucks back in and tilts his head looking confused.
" Never mind. "  It slowly starts to walk slowly towards me and my back hits something cold against my skin but I already know that's either a rock or a tree. I run away from the wolf as quick as I can and towards the pain in my leg, it tells me to stop but not yet. I keep going and when I look behind me the wolf is still there. Leavealready, don'tyouhavesomethingbettertodo. It stops and when I look away, I trip over a crack in the ground. Thenwolf sees me and immediately runs toward me. The wolf is hovering over me and to my surprise it licks my face. Um...OK

I back towards a tree and it whimpers. I look away from its hurt face and I try to see if this place is familiar. Not even a little. I'm lost. I look at the wolf and he walks towards me and kneels on its paws, while resting his head on my stomach. I start to pet its fur and I feel brave as hell. I petting a wolf and I'm alive. Someone give me a reward. Just kidding. Its fur is so soft and it glides through my hand like water. It purrs and I smile a bit. The wolf notices and licks me again. I pet behind its ear and purrs even louder. Then its head lifts in ergency and notices my leg wound. I start to panic. Pleasedon'tmakeitbetter, please. It looks at me then my wound then back at me, like waiting for an answer.
" I tripped, of course as the clumsy me I am."  It shakes his head and I'm the one who's confused now. Its like he understands me. I'm talking to a damn dog. I'm pulled out of my thoughts to notice that its hover over my wound and is growling at me. I press my back onto the tree thinking that it'll hide me. It calms and licks my leg wound. It stings at first like alcohol touching a cut but it eventually starts to calm. The wolf would give me looks here and there to see my reaction. I probably had a shocked face but I was calm. I kinda got it that he wouldn't hurt me. He stops and I look at my leg and the wound is gone.
" How...how did you do that? "
He looks at me and tilts his head toward a little road.
" Walk with you? " He barks at me and I guess it got me moving. I still have a small limp but I don't think its noticeable. The silence is killing me after about ten minutes but I don't know. It feels longer but my phone is died so I really don't know.
" So you understand me? " He barks and we start to walk towards a little flower meadow. Its beautiful. A small waterfall with three stones attached that leads to a big pool. Sacred looking with cherry blossoms trees around it. Fall trees as well like red, brown, yellow, orange, and even pink. Together they looks like a painting palette with some mixed and some separate; all creating they're own art pieces. As I look around I notice the wolf is gone. I look around for him and notice a silver tail go behind a tree. I start to walk towards it but Nathan comes out from the other side instead.

" Miss me angel? "
I chuckle at his comment but blush at the same time. " I'm everything except an angel."
He gives me a 'really' look with rising one eyebrow.

" Stop lying to yourself. Its one of the things I like about you. Your not an open book which makes it more interesting to find out why." I blush and he smiles. He start to walk towards me and he grabs me hand, pulling me towards him. Sparks fly in my body near my waist area and lower back. He looks into my eyes then down and smirks.
" Nice outfit. It shows some skin though. I still like it." I smack him and he looks at me and laughs at my embarrassment.
" My eyes are up here, bud." I grab his chin and force him to look at me instead of my boobs and stomach. He smiles and growls. " Hey I like my view. Don't mess it up. " He says pulling me closer and now we are only nose to nose. He leans down and then he's gone. I look around then a hear a bark. I look down and the same wolf from before is there in Nathans spot. That asshole just left. He barks again and we eventually start to walk home.

Once where back at the house, the wolf runs towards a bush and Nathan comes back out. What the hell. Is that his dog or something? How can a wolf appear then disappear and then Nathan comes out. Looking sexy as hell, I might add. Shirtless, ripped muscles and his tattoo I've never noticed before until now. He walks over to me and smiles. " You like? " he asks me with smirk.
" No. " Boldfacelie.
I basically run into the house and into my room. I strip and head for the shower. Nothing is better then letting water drown you of your feelings of the moment. And it works every time. I get it and turn the faucet and let the cool warm water run over myself. In an hour, I'm out and I change into a black t-shirt that says, Keep Calm and Rock On with a pair of high waisted denim skinny jeans. And if I want to go somewhere for later, I got Converse. I head to the kitchen downstairs and notice the family is downstairs as well. They all look at me and Blaze runs to me yelling my name while hugging my leg.

"SKYES, SKYES, SKYES."  I pick him up and he hugs my neck. I hug him back. " Mommy Daddy, Skyes my girlfriend! " Everyone looks at me in shock and I look at Blaze too. " He just means I'm a girl and I said I would be his friend." The mom nods and Nathan says, " how do you know? "
" He's a five year old, do you really think he would know? "  He says quiet and I know I win. " Skyes, is it? " I nod and she smiles. " Beautiful name. I'm Nathan and Blaze's mother. You call me mom or Debra, and this is Sebastian; my husband. I shake with my free hand with Blaze still in my arms. Nathan looks at me then at Blaze and just shakes his head. I think I see a pinch of jealousy in his eyes. Oh my god, he's five. " Hungry, sweetheart? " Debra asks me. " Yes, please. You want me to help?"
" Sure I could use a hand." She says looking at her husband sending glares at him. He just raises both of hands in the air and looks shocked. We all laugh and I sit Blaze next to Nathan and our fingers touch sending sparks up my arm. He smiles and pulls me down to kiss my check. Is it just me our did things go by pretty quick. But I don't care, I kinda like him like this. Suddenly, Luke ( he is the guy who is in the first and second chapter. Sorry if I didn't make it clear about his name.) walks downstairs and stares daggers at me and so does Nathan. " I'm sorry sweetie that Nathan didn't send you down sooner. I just wish..." I blur her out and Luke is staring daggers at me and Nathan, him. He smirks at me and leaves the room. " Skyes, that was our butler, Luke. He's a werewolf too but he's lost contact with his wolf in battle one time. He feels lonely without his wolf though ---"

"Sorry, but what are you talking about? "

" Mom. " Nathan says in a warning tone and looks at her. Suddenly her eyes go wide and she's angry.


" Tell me what? "

There's quietness for a while until Nathan breaks the silence.

" Skyes, we're... we're werewolves. This whole family is and your my mate."

" And he's about to be alpha too."

" DAD Really? Now? "

" You might as well tell her the whole truth."

I know vampires excist because Luke is one but do they know? Now werewolves. I read fairy tales but I thought I was done with that shit. I start to back away and head upstairs. I hear Nathan try to follow me but I'm grateful that his mom stops him.

" She needs time. "

Yes, I do need time but how much time do I really need because for me time is never enough. Espically for me.

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