.Chapter 10.

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Hey guys  :)

theres If any mistakes im sorry but i hope you enjoy.

 Sorry about taking so long, but school stuff and my own problems. But im back for you guys and i hope you understand. :)  Lets go.

.Chapter 10.

I go up into my room and i basically hide in a little corner between my closet door and my dresser. Werewolves. Now i have to deal with werewolves. I already have a problem with one vampire but now Nathan and his family are werewloves! No, i need to go. Im not being eaten or hurt again. i know Nathan wont hurt me but theres something.... something that telling me to stay and talk. But the last time i stayed and talked, i ended up wasting my breath and time. So the easy route i take is running away and i dont look back even if there calling my name. I basically run to my room even though i know that someone's going to follow. Im relieved when no one does and i plop onto my bed trying my hardest to process this new information. 

I start to stare into the ceiling like its gonna reveal a hidden message to me and i remember moments like this. I would do this with my real mother when i was young and before things went down hill. She would tuck me in bed and grab a story from her room and read to me. Then we would look at our ceiling and try to find animals or hearts or anything that seemed cool. Our ceiling was a bit morphed and clustered together so it looked like it had lumps in the walls and ceiling but not a damaged clustered. An artist clustered. Thats how i call it.

But as i start to think about the memory of me and my real mother, my mind starts to go to Nathan. How he would always make me smile and make my heart beat faster and faster every time we are close. How he would care for me and how he never made me feel alone. On the first day i meet him i was a bit weirdered out because he never left me side and whenever Bryan or John would make a sexy or stupid comment to make me blush or something he would growl and pull me to him and my heart would beat so fast i thought it wouuld bust. Making me feel nervous and my palms sweaty and he would care but i still have doubts because anyone can turn on a dime but before they can do that and take it too far, i run away and dont look back.

No one ever acted like they cared for me except for Julius and his parents, but that was before i met Nathan. My real mother went on a road trip with her new boyfriend and she never came home. The police suspected that she went missing but during a search in the woods, they found his body, dead and my mother's. But the diffence between the two bodies is that he had about 20 shot wounds and she only had a small glass bottle in her hand and no major wounds at all. Only one or two briuses on her legs but we suspested that she tried to run away from something. There bodies where about 200 feet away from each other. But some say it was suicide, some say it was a homicide because they were the only people there. But some say it was suicide because she had a dagger right under her back and a stab wound. But how do you stab yourself from behind? 

My real father was abusive toward her and he says that he loved her but he never did. Sober or even drunk he would do anything to her and he wouldnt even care. He would make her his little slave. She even had rules that she had to follow or she would be punished. I dont even want to know how. She said when he found out that she was pregnant, he would act sweet. But she told me this when i was 12. She died when i was 13 and a couple months later, i was adapted. Then, when i was 14, she died by Luke. Her boyfriend at the time. But when it all hit him that she was pregnant, he went crazy and she threatned to kill me so i wouldn't have deal with this pain but killing me would also kill her. He still beat her while she was pregnant. But one day, she knocked him out cold during a fight with a skillet and she ran.

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