Just a friend

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Adrien sat on his bed, feeling oddly excited. He couldn't wait for his friends to return from New York. Although Adrien had traveled with them, his father had made him leave the trip early due to an Akuma. Even though it made him sad to leave early, Adrien had to admit the little time he spent there with her was the best moment of his life.

Adrien watched his phone waiting for the text saying that they had arrived. He couldn't wait to see her again. It was kind of funny considering he only left a day earlier, and they had group chatted a lot since then but somehow, for Adrien, that was not enough.

Nino had texted him an hour ago asking him if he wanted to meet up for ice cream after they arrived, to which he happily said yes. Hopefully, his father would not see that he was gone. Nino had informed him that the class had landed in Paris and were now on the bus headed back to the school, which would take about an hour and a half or two, and Adrien couldn't wait.

Adrien had been scared to ask, but he couldn't help but wonder if the girls would be there for ice cream too. Most importantly, if she would be there. He wasn't sure what had happened, but somewhere in the trip to New York, he had found himself feeling things he had never felt before. Feelings toward a certain pigtailed classmate that sat behind him every day. Marinette.

He was not able to explain it but spending time with her made him feel warm and happy. He wanted to feel that again. He honestly wanted to see her again, as soon as possible. His mind wandered off, reminding him of different moments in New York.

He remembered how her eyes shined as she looked out of the bus window admiring New York. That was the first time he noticed how beautiful she was. Adrien silently thanked Nino for pointing out the view because, believe me, it was absolutely breathtaking.

He remembered how they would always end up in crazy situations together. And how they danced together while floating so close to the moon. It was the same song they had danced to at Chloe's party. It was perfect. He remembered holding her close and feeling warmth as her head laid in his chest. Oh, how he wanted to relive that moment again.

"Adrien!" Plagg yelled, snapping Adrien back into reality. "You've been daydreaming for hours. Feed me! I am hungry!" Adrien rolled his eyes at his annoying Kwami and got up to get him his cheese.

"Sorry, Plagg, I got distracted. Here" He responded, throwing him a piece of camembert. "What has you so lost in thought anyway, is it your Lady?" Plagg teased. Adrien smiled at how wrong Plagg was this time before responding, "No, Plagg, it's not. I guess I am just excited to see my friends."

Before Adrien could continue, Plagg, interrupted "Your friends or pigtails?" Adrien was not sure why but he found himself slightly blushing at the mention of Marinette. "W-what? N-no I-" Adrien stuttered but was interrupted by his kwami once again. "Don't deny kid I was there, remember? I saw you. I saw it all. You were all lovey-dovey and goo-goo eyes for pigtails even more than Ladybug." At this point, Plagg was smirking at how red his holder was.

"Shut up, Plagg, you are crazy. Marinette is just a friend," Adrien responded once again. He had to make sure Plagg knew that Marinette was just a friend. But then why did saying it made him feel all weird and sick inside?

"Right, just a friend." Plagg mocked sarcastically. Adrien opened his mouth to respond, but Plagg continued, "Kid, we are connected, remember? I felt what you felt, and you like pigtails." Adrien opened his mouth to respond but then closed it as he found himself wondering if Plagg's words were true.

I mean, he did feel things he couldn't explain. The need to spend more time with Marinette, and when he had to leave, he hoped she would have asked him to stay, but all that just meant that they got closer as friends, right? But Marinette was certainly, beautiful and having her close made him feel things that he had never felt before with anyone else, not even his lifelong friend Chloe.

The feelings came crazy close to what he felt with Ladybug, but at the same time, they were so different. They were unique, and he loved feeling that way. *No, I just like spending time with her. She is a great friend, one of my first friends, plus I love Ladybug, yeah. Ladybug, who I am trying to get over by dating Kagami. I am with Kagami. I am happy with her, and she is my girlfriend. I feel comfortable with Marinette like I can be myself. Yeah, that's it! Marinette is just a friend* Adrien thought to himself before responding.

"Think what you want Plagg, Marinette is just a friend. Plus, I have a girlfriend remember?" All suddenly, Plagg found himself getting annoyed with his holder. Never in his hundreds of years of existence has he had to deal with such a dense holder. Plagg wanted nothing more than to cataclysm something or slap some sense into his holder, but he couldn't.

Seconds after speaking, Adrien found himself confused. He had a girlfriend. He was moving on from Ladybug and was dating Kagami and was happy, right? But then how come he had forgotten all about her during his trip to New York? How come she didn't cross his mind whenever he was with Marinette. How come he rather spend time with his friends? And lastly, how come he found himself thinking of his sweet pig-tailed classmate again? I mean, she just a friend, right?  

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