Is this real or is this heaven?

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Ladybug swung around Paris in panic. She had to get to Adrien as soon as possible. Her mind was full of overwhelming thoughts. Adrien was trying to commit suicide. Paris's most loved model wanted to end his life all because of her. Ladybug swung wildly, praying she would get to him on time. The occurring events had been her fault, and she had to fix this. She would not be able to live with herself if she didn't. If he died, she would never forgive herself for it. She would never be able to live at peace. It would be something that will haunt her for the rest of her days. All because at the end of the day, his death was a result of her dumb actions.

Tikki had told her to look for Chat Noir, and although it was obviously clear that he and Adrien were one and the same, she was still in denial somehow. Although Marinette was hesitant, for now, she decided she would trust her Kwami. But Marinette swears to her life if she doesn't get to Adrien on time because of this, she will renounce Tikki, giving up on being both Ladybug and the Guardian forever as she will make sure to follow Adrien to the afterworld.

As she got closer to the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug saw Chat Noir land close to the railing. She was about to hurry towards him but froze as she watches him detransform into Adrien Agreste himself. Her doubts had now vanished into thin air. Tikki couldn't understand why Marinette was having trouble accepting the guy she loved was her faithful partner all along. 

Maybe it was the fact that she didn't want to believe that she had harmed him twice as much or the fact that she couldn't understand why the loved model and hero of Paris would want clumsy Marinette. But she didn't want to believe it. Not till right now, that is. 'Adrien is really Chat Noir!' Ladybug thought to herself. She had been rejecting the boy she loved since day one. She had hurt him for far longer than he had hurt her. Yet, she did all this to him. She truly was a monster.

Her heart crumbled into a million pieces. Adrien never deserved what she did to him. He didn't deserve to get treated the way he did. His only fault was loving both sides of her. He loved her since day one, and all she did was hurt him. Destroy his confidence, his happiness, and most importantly, his heart. She was selfish. Marinette had only thought about her feelings. She had only cared about herself while he cared for all sides of her. Ladybug snaps out of her thoughts and quietly landed behind him.

Ladybug watched as Adrien began to climb up the railing. Her body began to tremble in fear. Was Adrien really going to do this? She was not worth dying over. Marinette needed to stop him fast. She wanted to move, but for some reason, her body was paralyzed. It was her fear. It had to be her fear. Finally, being able to react, she began to move.

Ladybug was about to run towards him, pull him out, and then let herself fall into his arms, but stopped as she heard the words that came out of his mouth."Oh, Marinette, my love, my princess. If only you knew how much I truly love you. My heart beats only for you. Princess, you are my life. I know that I was confused at first, but I have loved you since day one.

All the feelings were new to me, and I was sure I was in love with Ladybug, but I was so wrong. It had been you all along since our hands touched when I hand you my umbrella. It was you the reason I craved to be better. You were my everyday Ladybug.

You were my inspiration to becoming a better Chat Noir and the reason I never gave up. But when I realized you were my one true love, it was already too late. I had already lost you. I wish things could have been different and that I would have realized it sooner." Ladybug placed her hand over her mouth as she silenced her sobs. She had destroyed the boy she loved. "I love you. I still love you. It's not too late for us," she thought to herself, but she couldn't speak. She still couldn't believe her eyes and ears.

Everything that has happened in the past few hours had been too much for her frail heart to handle. Ladybug tried to make a move. But once again, she couldn't. It was as if her feet had been superglued to the ground. She felt paralyzed and hopeless. Adrien hadn't noticed her yet, not that he could. His vision remained on the bakery as he held on to the railing for dear life. She needed to save him before Adrien would let go, and yet, she was standing there paralyzed, not being able to do a damn thing. He continued to speak as she kept silently sobbing behind him.

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