Kagami's situation

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 What Adrien didn't know was that someone had seen the whole thing. From the second, Luka had arrived at the school till the second, Adrien, was pulled inside the office. She saw it all, and she was not happy. There behind a tree stood Kagami Tusuri. Adrien's current girlfriend.

Kagami was sick and tired of the way Adrien has been acting. Hell, they had a better relationship when they were just friends than now. Ever since the trip to New York, Adrien was different. He had turned cold, as cold as Gabriel Agreste himself. She never talked to him or saw him, and when she did, it was behind a helmet at fencing practice, where they were being watched and pushed to be better. They basically had no contact besides that. They hadn't ever shared a kiss since the relationship had started. Sadly, the only date you could say they ever went to was to get ice cream the day Marinette had ditched them.

Kagami could already hear the "I have been busy sorry" or the "I haven't been feeling like myself lately, Kagami. How about we talk when I do?" If she were to so much as tried to call. She had attempted to show up at the Agreste mansion a couple of times. And even then, she was received by Natalie. Who always told her Adrien was in his extracurricular activities and could not be bothered. At this point, Kagami knew it was all lies. It was more than obvious Adrien was doing his best to avoid her. Kagami couldn't blame Adrien for their relationship problems. It was clear he had been in love with Marinette since the beginning. Yet, she pushed to be in a relationship with Adrien. He wasn't even the one who asked her out, she asked him.

Kagami noticed soon after the trip, Adrien did not want to see her. He did not want to speak to her, but why? That was the question that replayed in her mind over and over again. Did he regret dating her? If so, why can't he just tell her and break up? Everything was so confusing. Kagami thought they were finally happy, but apparently, she had been wrong. His indecision was very hurtful. Kagami knew she wanted to be with Adrien, she was certain they were meant for each other, but apparently, Adrien failed to see it that way.

Kagami was tired. She had tried many times to have the final conversation with him. She needed to know if he wanted this relationship to work or no. At this point, it didn't matter what he chose. All she wanted was for him to chose. Did he want to be with her, or not, because she was sick of this game. She will no longer play. For the love of God, he had not even told their friends about their relationship yet. Yes, Kagami knew of Adrien's silence. It was more than obvious since he didn't even want her to come around the school. This was all becoming way too much. Kagami thought about it all night long, and she only came up with one answer. Adrien had not changed targets. Adrien Agreste was still in love with Marinette Dupain Cheng.

Kagami woke up with her mind made up. She would talk to Adrien today. Whether he likes it or not. Adrien would no longer have a choice. If he didn't want to come to her, then fine, she would come to him. That is how she ended up waiting for him outside of school. As the hours ticked by, Kagami thought about everything she would say to him, but in the end, all she wanted was an answer. Did he want to be with her or not?


Gabriel Agreste walked out of the limo and into the school. He was not aware of why he had been called to attend the school. But from the sound of Mr. Damocles's voice, it was urgent and could not wait. Though Gabriel could not understand why the meeting had to be done during after-school hours, he knew that it meant nothing good.

As he walked into the office, Gabriel was met with five pairs of eyes. There sat Mr. Damocles, A bloody and bruised boy, what looked like his mother, Nino, and his son. Trying to keep his heartless act, he spoke quickly and harshly. "Good afternoon. I was called and told my presence is required. Let's make this fast as I have important events to attend and have very little time for nonsense. But first, can somebody please explain what is the meaning of this and why is my son's designer clothing drenched in blood?" His stare was cold, making everyone in the room gulp. Except, Adrien, that is, who at this point could care less what the hell happened to him.

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