Finding home

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Marinette walked into the bakery with a bright smile on her face. Adrien had kissed her. Not once but twice. He had told her he loves her. She heard him speak of marrying her and having three kids. God, he was perfect. Then the cherry on top of the cake was the fact that Adrien was Chat Noir. The love of her life was her trusty, punny partner. Could her day get any better? As she walked in, she was met by the eyes of her worried mother. 

"Marinette, where have you been? We have been worried sick about you," Sabine called out. She was about to continue but stopped when catching the sight of her happy daughter and the huge smile she was wearing. Sabine hadn't seen her daughter smile in months.

"I am sorry, maman. Adrien and I were talking, and we lost track of time," she replied happily. "Oh, was it about the project?" Sabine asked excitedly. Frankly speaking, Sabine always thought the teens were made for each other. Yes, she was angry at Adrien for what he had done, but later she realized he was only a teen. It was normal for a teen to be confused, especially when it came to love, so she understood perfectly. She is really hoping that this project could fix the relationship between them.

"Uhh, somewhat," Marinette replied. She wanted to tell her mother everything that went on, but she did not want to become too excited as she did not know if Adrien and she were officially a couple or not. "Well, your father and I were made aware of the project and spoke to Mr. Agreste, who believed his home was a better place for the project, so I packed your bag and made some snacks for you to take, sweetie," Sabine replied with a smirk.

Marinette almost jumped with joy. It was true, she was nervous about staying in the same household as both her crush and her Idol, but it was also a dream come true. Maybe she could talk about fashion or show her designs, and hopefully, Adrien would ask her to be his girlfriend. They could go on dates and kiss some more. Then when Monday came, they could walk into the school hand in hand. Marinette had a million thoughts running through her head. "Thank you, maman. You are the best."

Marinette ran to her room, grabbing the bag her mother had already packed, a secret stash of cookies for Tikki, and her sketchbook. "I should head over to the Agreste mansion before it becomes dark outside. I don't think walking in the streets at night is such a great idea," Marinette giggle, telling her parents. "That's a great idea sweetie, have fun and call us every day, alright?" Tom replied. "Of course, dad, love you," she replied, kissing her parents goodbye and walking out of the bakery.


Adrien paced back and forth in his room. He still could not believe everything that had happened today. He almost thought it would have been the worst day of his life and technically his last, but it turned to be the best day ever. Marinette ran to his aid. She said she would follow him anywhere, even to death. Adrien was still in shock to find out that his princess and his lady were the same.

 Could he really be this lucky? This girl was perfect. He was so utterly, and completely in love with her. He kissed her, and she kissed him back. She told him she loved him and saved his life. She is coming to stay a week. "Oh my God, Plagg, what am I going to do? She is coming for a whole week! How do I act? What do I say? Do I take her out on dates? Is she my girlfriend? Wait, did I ask her to be my girlfriend? Omg, I didn't even ask her to be my girlfriend, did I? What if Luka asks her before she gets here? Plagg, what do I do?" Adrien mumbled.

"Adrien, calm down!" Plagg yelled, annoyed by his holder's panic. "First of all, be yourself. She already loves you the way you are, and secondly, just ask her out when she gets here. Now give me my cheese." Plagg complained. He really was starving this time. He had only eaten the cookie pigtails had given him and then had to transform to get Adrien off the Eiffel tower, and ever since then, his holder has been too excited over his kiss with her to even remember to feed him.

Me without you-MLBNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ