Tikki's anger

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If anyone ever wondered which kwami was the nicest one of them all, the answer would be without a doubt, the ladybug kwami. Tikki was known for being sweet, caring, and understanding. Being the goddess of creation made her the most powerful kwami. Plagg coming a close second as he was the god of destruction, but unlike Plagg, she was responsible and kept all her emotions in check. There were many times that she had a reason to get upset but never did. She always believed that there was always a bright side to every situation. Only once before had Tikki gotten upset, and there were no witnesses other than Plagg. So literally, no human had ever seen Tikki be anything else but her happy, caring, and amazing self. At least not till today.

Tikki was livid! The more tears her holder let out, the angrier she got. Tikki couldn't understand why Adrien would do such a thing, and even worse, why Plagg would allow it. Tikki watched as Marinette sat in a dark corner of the room and sobbed, mumbling things that Tikki mostly couldn't understand, but a few she did. Tikki heard things like a worthless, stupid, clumsy, loser, nobody, and many more than made it clear that Marinette was using to describe how she felt of herself at the moment. Each time, Tikki would try to console her holder and tell her she was wrong and not to say things like that about herself, but was met with silence. Sometiemes even glares.

Tikki felt nothing but rage. "Stop it, Marinette. I will not stand here and watch as you insult yourself and bring yourself down over some asshole who played with your feelings! You are amazing and a million times better than that heartless prick. But since you won't even listen, then fine, I am out of here. I'm going to get some air, and since you love him so much, pray I don't strangle him where he stands!" Tikki yelled.

Marinette looked dumbfounded for a second. She stopped sobbing as she looked at her kwami in shock. Never had Marinette seen Tikki angry, never had she heard her yell, so it came as a surprise when not only did she do that but cursed! She cursed, she insulted Adrien, and she threatened to choke him! Marinette didn't know what to say for a second Tikki's facial expressions, and tone scared her.

"Tikki, don't hurt him, I still love h-" "Don't Marinette! He hurt you, used you, and for what a couple of days of fun? No, that's not right! Look, I won't hurt him, I can't, as the Goddess of creation, I can't touch him, but you need to forget him. Stay away from him. He doesn't deserve you!" Tikki held a straight face showing no sympathy whatsoever as she scolded Marinette. It silently hurt her to speak to her holder like that since she loved her so much. But she needed to make Marinette understand that Adrien was only hurting her. This crazy love and obsession she had for Chat's civilian form were destroying her, and she couldn't allow that.

Marinette nodded as tears continued to fall. She watched a still angry Tikki fly out the window, but she didn't stop her, still a little afraid of how angry Tikki was. Tikki, on the other hand, had a certain someone she was going to go see. A certain someone who was either going to give her some answers or would have to suffer her wrath. Making sure she wasn't seen by anyone. Tikki flew off and made her way to a certain high school.

Sensing Tikki was near Plagg carefully out of Adrien's bag and headed outside where he knew Tikki was waiting for him. Plagg believed she would want to talk about her holder, but he had no idea what he was about to face. Plagg flew out to find Tikki with her arms crossed and her back facing him. "Hey, sugar-" upon hearing his voice, Tikki wasted no time in turning around and charge towards him with rage slamming him harshly towards the wall behind him.

"How could you let him do this?!" Tikki growled. Being the kwami of destruction gave Plagg no fear, but that was until he met an angry Tikki. Plagg gulped, fear spreading through his tiny body. The only thing Plagg feared was now standing in front of him, ready to pound him to tomorrow. They knew Tikki was far more powerful, which was the very reason she never allowed herself to get angry. If Plagg could Cataclysm Paris entirely in anger, Tikki could create disasters that could wipe the entire planet, including the existence of the entire human race. Which was a secret that no one else knew in fear of her getting into the wrong hands.

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