Friendships and confrontations

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The days started passing by, and everything seemed like it was going from bad to worse. First, it was sitting in the back of the class and treating Adrien like a complete stranger, but now she was straight up ignoring him and not even pretending to listen to one word out of his mouth. Adrien often found himself silently crying himself to sleep and wishing he could only end the pain once and for all.

Marinette wouldn't even look at him. She no longer sat with them at lunch. Surprisingly, she would disappear from the school entirely during lunch hour. Many times Adrien begged Alya for help. "Alya, I made a mistake, but if you truly consider yourself my friend, you would help me," Adrien begged. "Adrien, I want to help you, I honestly do, but I can tell you are still confused. Get your feelings together, and if Marinette is truly the one you want, then and only then will I help," She would reply. What did that even mean? Adrien was sure of what he wanted. His feelings were together. He did not doubt in his mind that he loved Marinette and to be with her. Sometimes Alya would discretely help by setting up something in the park, but most of the time, Marinette would reject the offer, and the times she showed up thinking he wouldn't be there, she sat in silence or texting someone on her phone. Adrien couldn't help but wonder. "Who the hell was she texting?"

Adrien couldn't understand why everyone was refusing to help him. Why didn't anyone see that he undoubtedly loves Marinette? "Maybe is the fact that you still have a girlfriend?" Plagg answered, annoyed at his dumb holder and reading his thoughts. "I know that I do, Plagg, but I don't want to hurt Kagami. I don't even know how to break up with someone. I also don't want to ruin my father's company. Maybe I can get her to break up with me instead. I don't know Plagg. No one will help me or at least give me advice, no one but my father. And let's face it, it's not like I can tell him everything."

No one will help him. Adrien tried many times to intersect Marinette at school, but she would only brush him off, or sometimes he was even stopped by other classmates. It seemed as if everyone was trying to keep him away from her. How the hell was he supposed to fix his mistake if he was constantly being kept away from her?

Gabriel Agreste knew the pain his son was going through. Although, Adrien tried his best to pretend otherwise. He decided to give Adrien some advice and suggested that he placed apology gifts on the girl's locker. Adrien was quick to jump on the idea, except he decided to add a little extra. "If she won't hear me out, she can at least read it." He thought to himself as he wrote the first letter that he would place along with the gift.

Adrien poured his heart out in the letter. He wanted her no needed her to know that he truly did care for her. He place the letter along with the gift in her locker and waited for a response. A response that did not come. But that didn't stop him. Everyday after that he did the same thing. A new gift and a new letter waited for her every morning in her locker but once again he got no response. It has been 2 weeks he had already sent 10 letters but has gotten no response. At this point Adrien began to slowly lose hope. ________________________________________________________________________

Ladybug soared through the sky on her way to the Eiffel Tower for patrol. She hoped Chat would be in a better mood and talk to her. For the past two weeks, he has been completely ignoring her. Ladybug was glad there had not been an Akuma in weeks because, at this rate, she was sure their broken relationship would cause them to lose their miraculous in a heartbeat. She understood that there were personal issues that could bother someone, but she had problems as well, and even then, she put a brave face on and came to patrol trying to be herself and a hero to Paris.

Seconds later, Ladybug landed and saw Chat Noir was already waiting for her. Taking a good look at him, she noticed his eyes held dark circles under them, and his hair was messier than usual. There was something transparently wrong. "Chat-" before she could finish her sentence, Chat Noir interrupted. "Let's just patrol." Only this time, before Chat could jump off, Ladybug grabbed ahold of his wrist.

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