34 - breakdown

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"Del where the hell have you been!" Are the first words that exit Kiara's mouth when I enter The Wreck, followed by a quick furor of her eyebrows when her eyes connect with mine.

"Sorry I got caught up with a few things back at my house. Long story short I'm now homeless and a home wrecker." I sigh, collapsing into one of the wicker chairs that are organized strategically within the restaurant.

"Should I even ask about the fact that your lip looks like it just got back from a war battle with a bee?" I send Pope a glare-like look and his gaze shifts down onto his tightly tied shoelaces. "I'll take that as a hard pass."

"Okay we'll address you family business later, right now we have to deal with your tyrant of a boyfriend fucking up the whole plan by stealing money from Barry." I swear then and there I could feel my eyes dilate to twice its size.

"Oh please tell me it wasn't Barry as in ponytail, coke obsessed drug dealer Barry." neither of them open their mouths and I know I have my answer. "God JJ, what the hell. You know when we left the sonogram appointment earlier today I had such a bad feeling that something was going to go array. I should have been there to stop him. He listens to me." I run my right hand down my face hastily as I inhale a long breath and Kie joins.

"I know but he just doesn't want to see you get hurt Del. He care about you too much to put you ay risk to get caught up in any of it. This shit runs deep, deeper than any of us ever intended to go but we're almost there. all we got to do is descend down and get the gold and we're set for life"

I nod, opening my mouth to internet but pope beats me to it, his face reflecting nothing but utter confusion. "I'm sorry.. did you say sonogram photos?"

my eyes connect with Kiara's in a panic, I completely forgot that Pope was oblivious to the whole "JJ and I weren't careful and he knocked me up" situation. "

"Uh no..." the words come out as unpersuasive as they feel coming out of my mouth, solely based on the fact that pope seems the least bit impressed. "Oh don't spew that bullshit at me. I'm an honors kid and I can see straight through that facade you just built."

It's silent for a few seconds before I can meet his gaze, but when I do feel his presence soften. This merit scholar kid with more stress than I could even imagine happen, is going to be an uncle of the child inside me. Fuck how the hell did I even get here?

"JJ reckons its a girl but I think its a boy, we'll find out at the sixteen week appointment in a month." the words a quiet, almost timid in a sense. I don't know why I'm so nervous to tell pope. I mean he's not really my friend, he's JJ's.

"Well I guess we'll have to take bets on it, god knows we'll have the cash." all three of us chuckle softly before Ki glances at the clock, shoo-in guppy's from her seat int he chair across from mine.

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