02- the aftermath

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"Sarah stop it you're going to hurt yourself," I shake my head disappointingly at my best friend as she continues to jump up toward the flying birds, swinging her tennis racquet. "Why don't you come and help me then. These mice aren't going to save themselves."

I open my mouth but Sarah's dad, Ward, starts shouting from behind us. "Sarah!"

"I'm busy!" Sarah shouts back, continuing to jump, swinging her racquet at the birds as I stifle a laugh from the chair I'm sitting in. "What are you doing?" Ward shouts again, noticing me sitting in the chair and sends me pleading eyes to answer him.

"The brews filled with water from the serge. The birds are apparently having a field day." I roll my eyes as Sarah jumps once more before making a run for it down the shore. Ward looks at me before I get up and follow him and the lady that is clearly attached to his hip, her face etched with worry.

"The birds have to eat too Sarah." Ward sighs and I glance to the women next to him. That's Scooter Grub's wife, what is she doing here? "No, It's mouse genocide out here! No!" She screams once more, swinging her racquet at a bird as it dives into the bushes in front of her.

"It's the circle of life, that's what it is sweetheart. Now come over here." He sighs, clearly tired of his daughter antics. Sarah has always been one to try her best to save an animal she crossed, even if it meant getting into trouble. I was used to this back and forth between her and her father.

"No I can't be a part of it." She cries, before giving up and starts to walk towards her dad. "First they came for the mice daddy." She sighs before noticing the lady next to her father.

"Well I actually have an actual human being that you girls might be able to give some help to." Ward says, gesturing to the lady next to him and Sarah mumbles an 'oh my god' before reaching for her hand. "I'm Sarah and this is Del." The lady the extends her hand to me and I shake it.

"This is Lana Grub, she's Scooter's wife." He explains and Sarah and I glance at each other before we nod. "Now you two were storm prepping with him right?"

"Yeah" Sarah nods, twisting the racquet in her hands, "He helped me launch the cabin on the Druther's" I also nod, remembering when he asked if I needed help covering our pontoon. "Yeah he also helped Sarah and I put my dad's boat away and cover it."

"Last night?" He asks and Sarah looks at me confused before answering her father, "Yeah."

Ward then switches him gaze to me, "And did he go out after that?" Sarah's eyes widen before asking, "From here?" Wars nods. "Yeah."

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion of his question. "No, are you crazy? There was a hurricane." Lana then chimes into the conversation. "Well did he say where he was going? Get a phone call or mention anything?"

Sarah shakes her head as she looks at me. "He didn't say anything to Del or I." Lana then glances at Ward, a worried look plastered on her face. "I'm so sorry. Is he okay?" I ask Ward and be immediately nods.

"He is absolutely fine." He attempts to reassure not only us but Lana as well. "He's just hunkered down somewhere alright. We'll find him."

"We're so sorry" I manage to get out before they start walking down the yard, mumbling more reassurance that he's probably okay. "That was weird right?" I asks as Sarah nods, looking up at the birds circling us overhead. "Definitely. But I'm sure my father's right. He's probably just hiding out until he thinks that it's safe."

"You're probably right." I sigh before I glance at my watch, panicking. "Is that really the time! I need to be like home yesterday!" I exclaim before booking to to where my bike was parked in front of the Cameron house. "I'll see you later right!" Sarah shouts from behind me as I mount my bike as start to my house. "Count on it!"

"Where have you been young lady?!" Are the first word out my father's mouth as I lay my bike down next to the shed. "Your mother and I have been worried sick. I thought the storm caught you."

"Sorry I got caught up helping Sarah," I lie as I start walking up the stairs and I see my dad's eyes go dark. "Don't you dare lie to me young lady!"

"I'm not!" I say, trying to stand my ground but seconds later I feel his fist connect with my face I stumble backwards before my hand reaches up to touch my eye. I pull it away, already feeling it start to bruise and my eyes flash back to him.

"I know you are. Don't you realize how worried we were. No you don't because you never think about the consequences before you do something!" He takes another step forward and I stumble backwards.

"You know what it's fine. Your mother needs your help in the kitchen." He says before he walks past me, heading out for his truck. Probably to asses the damage that Agatha did to figure eight and see how he can help. A saint to everyone else but me, his own daughter.

The second I walk inside my mother can sense that something is wrong. When she glances at my face that answers all of her questions. "He promised me he wouldn't hit you." She sighs, grabbing my hand and leading me into a chair before grabbing a bag of
Corn from the freezer.

"When does he ever follow through on his promises mom?" I counter before grabbing the bag and pressing it to my eye. "Let's hope this heals before midsummers. We wouldn't want anybody getting the wrong idea." She changes the subject and I can't help but roll my eyes. I know she means well it's just that sometimes it doesn't seem that way.

"Did you guys get the generators running?" I ask and she shakes her head, offering me a banana and I take it. I peel off the top before biting into it, looking at her. "No but they said they should be running by tomorrow. If not I'll just have to go out there and fix it myself." She laughs which makes me crack a smile.

"Is dad on duty today?" I question and my mother sighs. "Yeah, he was going to go help Mr. Clover get the tree out of his front window and head down to the station." I nod, suddenly feeling like I need to throw up.

"Okay, I'm going to go I upstairs and take a nap for a little bit." I point to the stairs before getting off the chair and practically running up the stairs and launching myself onto the bed. I felt so nice to finally lay down that the nausea went away instantly.

Within seconds of my head hitting the pillow I was down for the count. The next thing I hear is rocks hitting my window. I open my eyelids to see nothing but right as I'm about to close them again the sound of a rock hitting me window repeats. I begrudgingly peel myself off my bed to glance out my window to see Sarah and topper below my window.

"Put something cute on and get down here. We're going to a kegger in the boneyard!"

First part of episode one
finished. Obviously since
Del isn't a pogue (at least not yet)
I can't talk about the whole
finding the boat and such
but I promise she'll be more
involved in all of the action
very soon,and before Sarah.
So I really hope you liked it
and expect another chapter soon.

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