44 - p4l

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Kildare County High School. Go Falcons! The sign reads as we pull into the parking lot of the school and next to me JJ squeezes my hand, shooting me a look of encouragement. the school looked considerably older than Kook Academy but that was to be expected. Tax payers funded the public school while private benefactors funded the academy, quite a big difference in money.

As the SUV comes to a halt in between the faded white lines I hop out of the car, tugging on my def leppard oversized tee absentmindedly. It took thirty minutes full of Kie throwing different articles of clothing at me to finally decide on an outfit to wear today. The options were either too small, the pants wouldn't zip up, or they were not concealing enough so this was the best we came up with.

I round the corner of the car to see JJ taking a swig of what I assume was whiskey and my eyes immediately turn to Kie, who's face reflects the same annoyance as mine. "Hey, chill out."

"If I black out, just don't remind me." he half jokes as I try to conceal the irritation on my face. "Very funny Jay. Now put that thing away before I throw it to the next county." with that he tosses it back into the car, slamming the door and interlacing my hand in his as we trek up the grass.

Condescending whispers follow the four of us as we make make our way up the entrance, stopping at a painted rock full of pictures and quotes from John B. "I feel like people are staring at us." Kiara takes a shaky breath and all of us look at all the prying eyes glued to us.

"No shit sherlock," I murmur, chewing at the inside of my lip. All of this is really starting to freak me the fuck out.

"Guys, I can't be late." Pope says before storming towards the double doors and before he can get too far Kiara pulls him to a stop. "Hey. Hey. We gotta stick together." she holds out her hand and he takes it begrudgingly as I interlock our elbows, dragging JJ along with me. They act as my blinders as we enter the school, trying to ignore the several eyes following us.

"Del what's your first class?" Kie asks as we huddle around my locker and I enter my combination. "Uhh I think it's honors English with Ms. Salzar. Why?" I glance up and her and the three of them exchange looks.

"What? Am I missing something?" I ask again and JJ is the next one to speak. "We just think it would be a good idea to have at least one of us around you at all times from now on. You know, being an ex-kook in pogue territory and all. Pope has first period with you and I have second and we all have third together so we should be covered until lunch break."

"So you guys are like my body guards now? C'mon don't be ridiculous. I'll be fine without you guys there to protect me. I can handle myself just fine, thank you." I close my locker with a huff. Just because I'm a human incubator does not mean that I cannot take care of myself.

"Del we're just trying to protect you. Come back." I hear JJ say behind me but I continue propelling myself down the hallway. I'll deal with them later.

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