03 - keggers

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Keggers were a usual occurrence on Kildare island but that didn't mean I liked them. I was already stereotyped for being a kook and these didn't make it any better. Yes, I was friends with assholes like Topper and Kelce but that was only because of Sarah. Somehow she dragged me into that mess with her and it was way too late for me to get out now. Plus my dad has a soft spot for topper, god knows why?

We had been at the boneyard all of thirty minutes, most of those leaning on a buoy watching all of the people interact with each other. Sarah was in a deep conversation with topper about the events of this morning whilst I was looking across the way. Right at JJ.

He had his arm around a girl, laughing up a storm and I couldn't help but feel jealous. I didn't have a right to though. When we started whatever was happening between us we promised there were no strings. No relationship and definitely no feelings. Just two friends who were filling each others desires. Stupid, I know but it's worked out for us so far.

"Why do you keep glancing at JJ?" Sarah elbows me in the ribs, breaking me out of my trance. "Huh. What? No, I wasn't-" I stumble through my words but I can tell she isn't buying one bit of it.

"I know you Li." She gives me a knowing look, "I just want to know why you are looking at him like he's a four course meal? I've never seen you utter one word to him." I shrug, trying to act normal. "I was trying to figure out who the girl he was with was. I've never seen her in the island before."

"Probably a tourist. There's a lot of them here today, though I thought a lot of them would have left before the storm." I take a sip of my drink before looking back at her. "Yeah I don't know."

"Hey do you want to get on top of this thing with me, I'm sure we'll be able to see the lighthouse from here." Sarah suddenly says, pointing to the buoy we were leaning on and I raise my eyebrows. "Um sure," I reply, grabbing onto the rails and Sarah does the same. We climb up and Sarah pats the spot next to her and I shoot a playful look at her before sitting down. We fit almost perfectly at the top, sitting side by side.

"Look there it is!" She exclaims, pointing straight out and I smile. "Be careful you guys!" I hear someone say from below us and I glance down to see topper.

"We're fine top." I roll my eyes as Sarah giggles from beside me. "It's not even that far down. I could jump if I wanted to."

"Don't do that li, you could hurt yourself." Kelce shakes his head in discouragement but that only makes me want to do it more. "C'mon y'all got to live life on the edge sometimes!" I smile and before anyone can object I jump off the buoy, landing on my feet and tucking into a somersault.

"See I'm fine." I say as I stand up and face my friends as Topper lifts Sarah off the buoy, into his arms as she laughs. "That was kind of awesome Li, you'll have to teach me how to do that sometime." Sarah jokes and I nod. "Yes, definitely."

The rest of the daylight died fast and soon it's dark, only a few bonfires and stray lanterns are lighting the boneyard for the people still left. "You want to head out soon and get some food?" I ask Sarah as she and I walk through the sand into where many of the people are circulating, topper and Kelce following shortly behind us.

"Yeah sure, your place or mine?" Sarah asks, turning around to face me, unfortunately running right into JJ. "Oh Sarah, Sarah can I interest you in a tasty Milwaukee beverage?" JJ slurs, whipping around to face Sarah with a red solo cup in his hand.

Sarah glances down at the cup before looking back at JJ warily, "No. Thanks." She says and JJ immediately looks offended as Topper pushes by me to be at Sarah's side.

"Oh c'mon is it not fancy enough for you?" JJ says, crinkling his nose as he cocks his head to the side. Which only means one thing. Trouble. "No, we were just leaving." I manage to get out before Topper steps forward.

"You know what, you know what, I'll take it. I'll- thank you man I appreciate it, " Topper stumbles through his words, reaching forward to grab the glass but JJ pulls it away. "That's nice, but I didn't ask you."

"But if you said pretty please maybe." JJ smirks and I glance at Sarah, knowing what's about to come next. "Oh pretty please." Topper rolls his eyes, giving into the charade which just eggs JJ on more.

"Here Sarah you can have it." JJ holds it out in front of her but Topper hits it out of his hand into JJ's face, his eyes livid. "She said she doesn't want it!" I hear him yell before he shoves JJ and Sarah pulls me back away from them.

John b tries to jump in between them, making eye contact with JJ to try and calm him down but then I hear Topper mumble, "Dirty pogues." That's when all hell breaks lose. John B shoves topper which only sets him off even more. Sarah tries to step forward but I grab her hand, pulling her backwards.

"Stop it Li." She spits, yanking her hand away from mine and starts to walk toward her boyfriend but before she can reach him his fist connects with John B's face. The crowd around me erupts, getting caught in the excitement of it all and I get shoved backward into the crowd. But not before seeing John B tackle Topper into the water.

"Top stop it!" I yell, pushing forward into the crowd and finally reach Sarah, who's trying her best to fix the situation by attempting to coax her boyfriend down. From behind me there is a mixture of yelling happening from people egging the fight on or trying to get them to stop.

"Guys stop it!" I hear Ki yell from beside me as John B. throws a few punches into Topper's abdomen which he just reciprocated twice as hard. It's a battle of power between the two of them, one that one of them will come out with a large amount of damage.

"Topper stop! You're going to end up killing each other!" I try to yell but I just can't get through to either of them. They keep egging each other on and quite frankly it's scaring the shit out of me.

Then topper shoves John B. to the ground and my heart drops to my stomach. "Oh my god." I hear Sarah gasp from next to me and the next thing I know John B's head is underwater, held down by Topper's hand.

"Topper no!" Sarah cries, stepping forward but trying not to get to close as I mumble, "He's gonna kill him." Out of my peripherals I see JJ pull something black out of his pocket and walk towards Topper, then I realize. It's a gun. He points it at the back of Topper's head and Topper goes rigid letting go of John B.

"You know what that is. Your move broski." He practically spits at Topper and I try to step forward but Sarah beats me to it. "JJ put the gun down!" Her hands are out in front of her but all JJ is concerned about is topper.

"Did you say something princess!" He remarks and her hand covers her mouth. "JJ chill!" Ki yells from beside me but I'm frozen still, unable to say anything. Too afraid to move.

"We're good we're good, alright." Topper cries but JJ won't put the gun down. "Ki can you check your psycho friend, please!" Sarah screams at her but before she can say anything JJ aims the gun towards the sky.

"Okay everyone listen up! Get the hell off our side of the island!" He screams before he fires two shots into the air. "C'mon we have to leave!" Sarah yells again me, dragging me away with her and topper but not before I can make eye contact with JJ, tears pooling in my eyes.

Okay to be quite honest it
was kind of hard to write the
whole fight scene from an outsiders
perspective cause that whole
scene is just about as chaotic
as it gets. But I tried my best and
that's how it turned out
so I hope you enjoy and stay tuned
for the next chapter which may
include the pogues + miss Delilah

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