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I wake before Cassian.

He's sprawled across the bed, our legs tangled beneath the rumpled covers. His soft snores fill the hotel room. My gaze flicks to his face, which is streaked with golden rays of sunshine streaming through the half-open blinds. I want to stare at him. I want to soak up this image and never forget it.

But I have bigger things to worry about.

Unlike last night, I feel refreshed and ready to tackle whatever shit life throws. My mind is clear and my body is well-rested. I need to see how Patrick is doing. 

Careful not to wake Cassian, I climb out of bed and dress in my clothes from last night. Next, I step into the bathroom and perform my typical morning routine. Thank God the hotel has complimentary toothbrushes and toothpaste, or else I don't know what I'd do. I can't stand not brushing my teeth in the morning.

My hair is a hopeless mess of knots, so I tie it up into a messy bun. Then I exit the bathroom and gather my purse. Patrick's probably up by now. Whether it's twin telepathy or the time we've spent together, I have a feeling he's downstairs at the breakfast buffet. He loves coffee. Guaranteed that's what he's drinking.

Using the pen and pad of paper on the nightstand, I write a quick note to Cassian. I don't want him waking up and thinking I've flown the coop.

With my purse slung over my shoulder, I exit the hotel room and saunter down the carpet hallway. The elevator is at the end of the hallway, surrounded by tall, green plants. Their pots are a mustard yellow, clashing with the strange, royal-blue patterned carpet. I shake my head. Carpet in a hotel has never made sense to me. Nor has the messy collage of colours some hold. 

A ding echoes through the hallway as the elevator doors open. It's empty, so I step in and tap the button for the third floor, where the buffet is located. During the elevator ride, all I can think about is Patrick and the blow-up back in West Kelowna. I don't know what else I can say to him. My family isn't broken like his, and as much as I want to fix it for him, I know I can't. He needs to find the strength within himself to claw his way back up. All I can do is support Patrick while he tries to find the path.

The elevator doors open at the third floor, and I'm welcomed by the scent of fresh coffee. I walk down the short hallway, taking my spot in line. As I'm waiting in the slow-moving line, I survey the area. Families are alive and happy. Couples stare out the window, looking down upon Vancouver's morning rush, their hands intertwined. I see a group of teenagers occupying the seating area. Most of them are on their phones, scrolling through social media feeds.

A small smile paints my lips. It's amazing how different lives and experiences are. This world is something special, and I think we don't always see it. We don't see diversity and the importance it holds. We don't appreciate sunsets and erect buildings. The uniqueness of every life wandering the planet. 

The Truth About Forever (The Truth About, #2)Where stories live. Discover now