Chapter 40

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Two weeks later....

The sun shone brightly on my face from the kitchen window as I went to get myself a cup of ice-cold water. I never took advantage of any second of the day after I had escaped that Hell house. I left the kitchen and made my way to the living room, where I plopped myself down on the sofa next to Jungkook. He immediately wrapped his muscular arms around me, careful not to spill my drink, and I snuggled into him comfortably. It was funny thinking that he was my school bully under a month ago, and now he is officially my boyfriend. 

Jungkook kissed the top of my forehead and I lifted my head to stare into his big brown eyes. "What would you like to do babe?" I asked softly. 

I couldn't help but blush; ever since that dreadful day at camp, he has been my only source of emotional support. Just looking at his face and listening to his voice made me forget about the horrors I had experienced and focus on the present. "Let's see what's on the TV" I suggested. 

Jungkook immediately grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. Unsurprisingly, the first channel was the news. "....the public and government was left shocked at the horror of what had taken place at a fake camp that was publicly named Camp Forset. Police are still left profoundly confused as to how such incredibly terrible crimes were committed under the supervision of our own Prime Minister. Today, the body of the former British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, was found deep in the woods with a bullet in his head; investigators are certain that he must have killed himself just after the survivors had escaped...." Serves him right I thought. "... Kim Taehyung, a former associate with Boris Johnson's foul 'game', who was recently given amnesty for testifying against Boris Johnson fully in court, has now been taken under police supervision after receiving multiple death threats against him and his family...." 

"Poor Tae" Jungkook mumbled and I nodded my head in agreement. I took the remote from Jungkook and switched off the TV. The news has been broadcasting the same thing for the past two weeks, the front page of every newspaper has been filled with pictures of Jungkook, Taehyung and I coming out of the police station with all the teens we rescued, and Jungkook and I have even gotten personal visits from the mothers of the rescued teens that wanted to thank us personally for saving their child. I even recently met up with Jimin's and Namjoon's parents, who wanted to offer their services as 'second and third mums' to support me. I guess it was sweet, but seeing my dead best friends' mothers didn't help me get over the fact that I couldn't save their sons.

I have been asked to go on so many interviews to talk about what happened at Camp Forset and how I managed to survive: I rejected all of them. "Maybe when I have recovered fully from everything..." I told each and every one of those thirsty journalists; but I know for a fact that I will never talk about Camp Forset to anyone apart from Jungkook, Taehyung, the police force and the rest of the campers that had no idea what they were in for. 

Speaking of talking about experiences, as soon as we escaped to the nearest police station we could find, (thankfully the police weren't corrupt too) I told Lisa and Jisoo's friends about what had happened to Jisoo and Lisa. I definitely didn't want them to find out what had happened to Jisoo and Lisa through the media, that's for sure. Tears erupted from my own eyes as I watched them get taken over by extreme grief: the same grief I recognised from when I had lost my own friends and my father too. I remember pulling them both into my arms, reassuring them that they would be okay when really, I knew that it would plague them for the rest of their lives. I later learned that their names were Rose and Jennie, and I even got their numbers so that they could come to me whenever they needed me. It was stressful being two people's 'therapists' when I couldn't cope myself, but since I have already saved their physical lives, I might as well help save their emotional lives too...

As for my emotional life, right now it's all over the place. Yes I have Jungkook to keep me company and keep me distracted, but when he wasn't there, I would end up breaking down crying at my current reality. Every day I would wake up feeling extremely empty, as if  I had nothing else to live for, even though I had Jungkook and my mum. On top of that, every night I would wake up screaming from a very vivid nightmare, which ended up with me getting diagnosed with PTSD; I couldn't even cope emotionally when I was unconscious. Everyday I wonder what it would be like right now if none of this had happened. I would still have Jimin and Namjoon. I wouldn't have such an amazing boyfriend. People's friends and family would still be alive. I wouldn't be facing this chronic PTSD. Although Jungkook's cronies would still be bullying the shit out of me, they would at least still be alive too. I would still at least have a decent life...

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked whilst squeezing my hand gently. I realised that I had been staring into space all that time. Jungkook had a look of concern on his face as he peered in my blank eyes. 

"Yes I am okay I guess..." I said. I knew that Jungkook knew that I was lying; his raised eyebrow said it all. "Okay maybe I am just thinking about when this can all just finally go away"

"Baby" Jungkook sighed and turned his body to face me, "this will never go away". I looked down at the ground, a bit disappointed at his answer. Then again, he was telling the truth: this will always be a part of my life. Jungkook sighed again and lifted my head back up with his big, soft hand. "But you will overcome this - you have to... are you still having those nightmares?" he asked, his voice gone slightly high pitched. I nodded and he let out a deep breath. "Look Y/N, I know exactly how you feel; I am feeling the same pain as you are. But we both have to figure out how we are going to move on from our past so that it doesn't plague us for the rest of our lives. If we let that happen then Yoongi and Boris have officially won. We can only say we have escaped until we survive emotionally: surviving physically isn't enough" 

He cupped my right cheek with his hand and I kissed it softly, causing him to blush deeply. Jungkook was right: there was no way I was going to let Yoongi's sick game get the best of me. I am alive right now and he is dead so I have won the first battle; now I have to win the mental battle against myself. Jimin, Namjoon, Jisoo and Lisa would all want that for the survivors. "I will always be there for you" I whispered and I kissed the top of Jungkook's head.


The next day was surprisingly a sunny day in London and I had left the house in the morning to go and visit the graves of Jimin, Lisa, Namjoon and Jisoo since the funeral. Jungkook had decided not to come with me because he was not ready yet. I was surprised that I was ready to be honest. I had woken up today feeling a lot fresher after what Jungkook had told me the day before and took this opportunity to try and put my past behind me.

My mind flashed back to the funeral which happened just days after the bodies were discovered: haevy rain splattering down onto the tops of many black, wide umbrellas, the sound of people crying at the sight of their relatives and friends being lowered down into graves in coffins, tears gushing down my own cheeks at the realisation that I will never see my best friends ever again....

I brushed the memories out my head forcefully.

When I got the cemetery, I knew exactly where to go because of the huge parade of flowers and candles surrounding 11 graves. I walked slowly to the graves, each step resulting in my heart beating faster and faster. However, I continued to walk: I had to overcome this. 

The first grave that appeared was Lisa's, then Namjoon's, then Jisoo's and lastly, Jimin's. The gravestones all had a common quote at the bottom: "When we lose someone we love we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind". A tear leaked from my eyes and I wiped it away almost immediately. If I was going to honour Jimin and Namjoon, I had to stay strong. It was the only way I could truly say I survived. All I could do is remember what they were like when they were alive, and as if they had never died. Memories of Jimin's cute smile and Namjoon's goofiness flashed through my mind like a mental photo booth. There was no way I was going to let the memories of their death overpower the memory of their lives. I'm sure Jimin and Namjoon are smiling down at me from heaven, knowing that I had survived for them, and Yoongi is looking up at me from the depths of Hell, knowing that he lost at his own game. 

Truth or Dare (BTS horror fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن