Chapter 26

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I cleared my throat and took a small step forward towards Jin which allowed me to receive his attention fully. His eyes pierced into mine as if he was trying to retain information on what I was trying to do. "Get back" Jin hissed at me, he still pointed the gun at Jungkook. Looks like Jungkook will always be the bigger threat compared to me. 

"So... none of the story you told us was true?" I asked Jin. Jin rolled his eyes at me but smiled afterwards. I swear he had the biggest problem with attitude.

"Yes it is true actually. Every bit of it." He turned his attention back to Jungkook, who was standing there with his hands up to show Jin that he wasn't attempting to do anything stupid. Yet. 

I continued nevertheless. "When you told us the story, you seemed... different" Jin turned his head towards me and I put on my best 'look sympathetic' face. "You looked frightened, almost like the scared eighteen year old that you used to be"

Jin scowled and glared at me. "Is that supposed to be an insult?" He asked, his voice high pitched. His attention was fully on me this time and I took this opportunity to slyly step a bit closer to him. 

"No" I began, "my point is that I don't think you really want to do this"

"What the fuck are you chatting about?" Jin looked clearly annoyed and bothered by my assumption. Time to take another step towards him.

"The only reason why you are like this is because of Yoongi. He set you up for failure by taking you to prison with him" Jin winced as if the memory still haunted him until this day. He looked down and away from me. I gestured for Jungkook to move closer to the table where the guns were whilst Jin was distracted, however he didn't get far at all when Jin snapped his head back up again. 

Jin's face was rid of all signs of annoyance and pity for himself, and was replaced by fury. "You don't get to talk about Yoongi. That shopkeeper deserved to die; he shouldn't have threatened us. Yoongi was trying to protect me and my friends"

"So then why did he take you down with him?" I asked. 

Jin paused before he answered. "We promised that we would do everything together. We only had each other. If Yoongi went to prison alone..." Jin trailed off his sentence and glared at me. "Just shut the fuck up before I kill you both. Look, we can make a deal. Let me kill Jungkook for not doing his task and you can be the winner of this game. I will make sure you do not get into trouble for ruining the game and you can get your reward"

I ignored Jin, glanced down at my watch and whimpered: we had 30 seconds left. I wonder what my death was going to be like. Maybe the building will blow up? Whatever I was trying to do wasn't working fast and effectively enough. "If Yoongi wasn't around, you would be living a normal life. You would have a good job, a wife and kids and a promising future"

"I don't give a fuck about that" Jin replied, spit exiting his mouth in sprays. Yeah, I didn't think he would care about that either. I had to think of something else, and fast. 

"Jin just think about it. If you really didn't care, you would have shot us by now. Unless your too cowardly to kill us" 

"Well okay then" Jin snarled and a smile formed on his thick lips, "I will kill you both right now" From the corner of my eye, I saw Jungkook turn towards me and give me a look that said: 'what the fuck are you doing?' I ignored him and took multiple steps towards Jin. I was only a few feet away from him now. "Hey! Get the fuck back I said, before I put a bullet through both of your heads" Jin's gun still pointed at Jungkook. I just needed the gun to face me instead.

"If you're so psychopathic, why did you save my life when I had to do my task? You could have just let me die but you didn't. You made sure I made it out alive" I rushed out my words as the clock kept ticking. I can almost hear the tick tock pounding away in my head, making me slowly go insane.

"You think you're so smart; you and Jungkook have one thing in common, that's for sure. I saved you, not because I give a shit about you, but because if you died, Jungkook wouldn't have a task to complete. There had to be a winner to this game and that winner just happened to be you." Jin's words stung my self-esteem harshly, but I didn't know what I was expecting. 

Jin seeing my reaction, laughed heartily. "Hit a nerve, did I?" He laughed again. 

I shrugged my shoulders and glared at him. A grin was spread widely across his face, making me fill with rage. He didn't get to laugh, let alone live when he helped kill my friends. I was going to make sure he went down and to Hell where he belonged. "What about your mother?" I challenged. Jin's eyes snapped back to shoot daggers into mine and he glared intensely at me.

"You don't get to mention my mother" he shot back at me. 

I continued anyways. "She had already lost your father and she only had you left..."

"Shut the fuck up" Jin said, his anger rising in his chest. 

"... and you fucked up, followed your cousin and ended up in prison"

"If you don't shut up right now I swear to God..."

"She probably watched you get arrested, disappointed at how shitty her only son had become" I paced forwards towards Jin, causing him to back up away from me. His eyes switched back and forth from me to Jungkook in a panic. It was either focus on Jungkook and let me get to him, or let go of Jungkook and deal with me. 

I smiled when I noticed how panicked and indecisive Jin had become. "She will die knowing that her son may as well have died along with her husband"

Jin's features darkened into that familiar demonic expression that had been waiting to appear. "Fuck you bitch" He spat. Jin turned the gun towards me and got ready to pull the trigger. I closed my eyes and turned my body away in a fast motion, waiting for the bullet to pierce my flesh. BANG! BANG! BANG! I involuntarily screamed at the sound and flinched with every bang I heard. 

I waited for the pain to surge through me like stampede of wild animals but it never came. After a few moments, I opened my eyes and blinked slowly to see what had happened. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw Jin on the floor, gasping for air. He had a large pool of blood surrounding his body and his chest hiccuped with every breath he took. My plan had worked. He was too weak mentally to take what I had to say and it turned on him. 

Jungkook stood over Jin's body with his jaw dropped with shock at what he had done. His hands shook violently as he held one of the guns from the table and continued to point it at Jin, as if Jin would magically recover and try to make any moves. The gun still smoked from when he fired it at Jin. I guess Jungkook saw what I was trying to do. When Jin turned the gun on me and removed all attention from Jungkook, Jungkook must have grabbed a gun from the table and shot Jin before Jin could shoot me first. 

I walked over to Jin and knelt down on my knees to face him. Jin looked up at me with bloodshot eyes and continued to breathe unevenly. I smiled and shook my head. "You are such a bitch Jin. You thought you could get away with what you did but no, you couldn't. It turns out that I am also pretty good at pretending I care too"

"I didn't buy any of your bullshit hopefulness, or whatever you were trying to do. We aren't in a fucking Disney movie" Jin hissed at me. 

"But yet, the bad guy still lost" I smirked when Jin rolled his eyes at me, probably for the last time in the remaining seconds of his life. He had three bullets buried inside his body: one in his chest, one in his abdomen and the last in his left thigh. The wounds oozed blood through his clothes, making it look like Jin was being drained alive. 

"Don't think you are going to make it out of here alive bitch" Jin said, "you have no idea what is coming for you. You think it's just Yoongi and I who are the bad guys in here? You have such a closed mind, it's pathetic"

"I will see about that" I replied, "as far as I'm concerned, you and Yoongi are the only bitches I have to deal with right now. I have dealt with you, so now I am coming for your cousin. You won't be able to hurt anyone ever again" Jin smirked at me with the remaining energy he had left, not bothering to try to respond to what I had said. He relaxed his head on the cold ground and closed his eyes. His uneven breaths slowed and eventually stopped, allowing his body to relax fully. Jin was dead. 

Truth or Dare (BTS horror fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin