Chapter 25

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Before Jin could receive a reaction from us, he carried on with a saddened look on his face. "We were only eighteen" Jin whispered. His voice cracked at the word 'eighteen' and the sorrow and regret was clearly displayed on his face. He looked down and and away from his and rubbed his elbow nervously. "None of us even knew Yoongi was carrying a gun and we panicked. We would surely get life in prison because of this. We wanted to run away and leave the country and never come back, but we knew we could never afford to start over. Yoongi hadn't said a word since he had killed the owner; instead, he just stared at his body with zero emotion or regrets. We all watched him with shock, exasperation and nervousness printed all over our faces. We didn't think Yoongi was capable of doing such a thing."

Jin's face hardened again at the memory, as if it was poison. Jungkook and I didn't dare say a word. We could see that Jin had a very rough childhood and the abuse of authority had turned him against the whole world. I would have felt sorry for him if he hadn't killed all of these kids, especially Jimin and Namjoon. Suddenly Jin rolled his shoulders back, straightened his clothes and cleared his throat, making me jump back in bewilderment from the sudden movements. "Anyways, Yoongi figured that we all needed a gun for ourselves for protection, so he jumped over the counter and opened the owner's drawer, where we found three guns for the rest of us. We grabbed them and ran out of the shop, hoping that we could get home and warn my mother, but it was too late: the police caught up with us just before we entered our neighbourhood."

My mind pictured the four boys running away in fear for their future, only to get caught by police. Their shaking hands being cuffed in front of Jin's grieving mother, watching from her window. It must have broken Jin. "The police found the guns on us and so we were all charged with the murder of that shop owner. I immediately realised that Yoongi framed us all by giving us the guns so we would all be caught red-handed for the murder. I guess he didn't want to be the only one going to jail for decades. If we left without the stolen guns then we would not be in as much trouble as Yoongi would have been in" Jin sighed and averted his eyes to gaze directly into mine. His facial features had turned soft and gentle, giving a shocking resemblance to that scared 18 year old that he used to be. His pupils shone in the little light that entered the room, making him look innocent-like, as if being associated with Yoongi was his reason for becoming a psychopath. 

"We all went to jail and was supposed to stay there for forty years at least and without bail" Jin carried the stare for a moment longer, sighed again and looked back towards the ground. "And Yoongi was sent to a psychiatric hospital because he was clearly insane..."

"How does that got anything to do with why we're here?" Jungkook exclaimed, waving his arms around. His body and mind grew impatient and he still glared at Jin with intense hatred. I, however, was interested in Jin's past. It was clear that Jin still had a conscience from the way he avoided our eyes when he talked about his past and how almost angelic he looked when he gazed at me sadly. 

"Wait, Jungkook" I gestured for Jin to carry on his life story and he smiled meekly. Jungkook rolled his eyes and scowled. 

Jin continued nevertheless. "Then one day I was being released from prison with J-Hope and Kai, and Yoongi was waiting for us outside. He was wearing a suit..."

"Just get to the fucking point; we don't have time for this!" Jungkook shrieked impatiently. I glared at Jungkook for a moment but stopped when a word repeated itself in my head. Time, time, time... My eyes widened with realisation and threw my hand up to look at my watch. I gasped loudly when I saw the time: we only had two minutes left. We had been listening to Jin talking for so long that we lost track of time. 

"Jungkook..." I whispered, unable to move from shock. We were all going to die. I slowly showed Jungkook the time and both Jin and Jungkook checked the time in unison. Jungkook grabbed my hand when he saw my watch and the time. He stared at my watch in wonderment as if by doing that, the watch would magically give us another hour to live. Jin laughed boldly when he looked at his own watch. The innocent and vulnerable Jin vanished and was replaced by psychopathic Jin. He had a look of satisfaction on his face which made me perceive that Jin had deliberately kept us here to waste our time so we can all die. 

"Both of you are a bunch of fucking useless idiots. You were fooled again. I didn't think that was possible at this point" Jin laughed again and grinned contently like he was a 5 year old that had just received a lifetime supply of candy. The small amount of hope I had for Jin dispersed along with all our time. In just over one minute, Jungkook and I were going to be history. After Jin was responsible for the death of my friends, I let him get to me again. Pathetic Y/N, truly pathetic. 

"It's actually not that hard to act like someone I am not; to just find a way to fit in with everyone else, especially when I am surrounded by a bunch of naive fools. No wonder I got so far" Jin said.

"You are a fucking psychopath" growled Jungkook. His body was quivering with anger and disgust.

"Yeah I know that Jungkook" Jin spat his name as if Jungkook was just a piece of vermin, "and I am fucking great at it" 

"I am going to fucking kill you" I hissed at Jin. I tilted his head slightly and pouted at me. Jungkook slyly paced backwards towards the guns that were on the table, but before Jungkook could get to them, Jin whipped out a second gun that was tucked inside his trouser pocket and pointed it at Jungkook. I couldn't believe I hadn't seen all those guns that he was carrying on him. 

"Once again, you're not going to do shit" Jin replied, "either of you move again and a bullet will go through both of your heads" Jungkook and I stood frozen in place whilst Jin glared at us both, sending shivers down my spine. We were going to die. The recognition hit me with unbearable force and I found myself reflecting over my life. My good times with Jimin and Namjoon, my father's death, my kiss with Jungkook. It was clear that I was never going to act on my feelings for Jungkook. Suddenly, I had an idea. We didn't have much time left at all, but it was worth a shot.

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