Chapter 11

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I stared angrily at the water gushing out of the pipes in the wall. I glanced at Jungkook and Jimin who was just as surprised at the water filling up the small room as me. They stomped about in the water as if they could somehow get rid of the water that way. However, Jin did not look so worried; he stood there silently, looking around at the pipes with his eyes squinted as if he was trying to look for a way to escape. Jungkook read the card over and over again and gasped. 

"It said she had to push the button to allow us to escape safely" Jungkook said. Then it clicked. In order to stop the water, Jisoo had to push the button. If she failed then we would all drown. 

"OH MY GOSH" I shouted over the noise of the water, "JISOO HAS TO PUSH THE BUTTON OTHERWISE WE WILL DROWN". They all looked at me in wonderment as it started to click in their minds too. 

"THAT MAKES SENSE" Jimin shouted, "HOPEFULLY JISOO CAN GET PUSH THE BUTTON ON TIME". He didn't sound like he had much hope, however. The game was bound to make it difficult for Jisoo to complete the task and Jisoo couldn't swim. The water had already reached my shins and was quickly rising up to my knees. I looked up at the ceiling: there wasn't much distance between the top of my head and the roof of the room. There was also no door in sight. This room was designed to drown us in the quickest time possible. Soon, there would be no chance of us surviving.

"COME ON JISOO" screamed Jimin at the top of his lungs. He too had realised the same thing that I had. He looked around frantically for any way to escape but was left with nothing. 

"Jimin she won't be able to hear you... sound can't travel in water" Jungkook said. 

"Oh so now the OG smart ass is dead, you want to emerge to take his place?" Jimin said, angrily. He waded through water towards Jungkook but Jin held him back. 

Suddenly an idea formed in my head. "Quit being an idiot Jimin. I think I know how to give Jisoo more time". I quickly looked around to confirm that my idea would work. Hopefully, with the right skill set, we might have a chance in surviving. "Who here can climb?" They all raised they're hands slowly, confused at where I was going with this. "Maybe we can climb up the pipes to the top so it would take more time for the water to get to us fully." 

"That's a good idea" said Jin. He waded through the water, which was already up to his waist, and made his way towards the pipes on the wall. We all copied him, each of us trying to get up the same wall together. It became harder and harder to wade through the water as the water levels rose to our chests and dragged our clothes back. So instead, I swam to the wall against the direction of the water flow and got there in no time. 

My hands gripped desperately onto the first pipe and I used my remaining strength to pull myself up to grab hold of the second pipe. I let out a groan as my hand slipped completely off the pipe and I fell back into the water. My hand stung and I looked down to see a huge bleeding gash across my palm. Taken over by resilience and the need to save my life, I gripped the pipe again and huffed with frustration and pain as I kept slipping off again and again and again. The pipes are way too slippery, my hand is cut and I am too heavy I thought, how the fuck am I...

"Take off your top so you can make yourself lighter" A voice interrupted my thoughts and I looked up to find Jungkook who was already onto the third pipe. He turned to face me and gave me a look of worry and concern as he hung off the pipe with one arm in order to face me. His shirt was off which exposed his bare chest and his abs. My eyes widened at the sight of his perfect and glowing chest which was thoroughly toned. His body was decorated in droplets of water and his bulging biceps flexed every few seconds which only made the view so much more pleasurable. He must spend his life at the gym I thought with an uncontrollable smile on my face.

"Y/N GET YOURSELF UP HERE HURRY UP" Jimin screamed at me and I noticed that I had been drooling and gawping at Jungkook's body all that time. Both Jimin and Jin's shirt had also been taken off and I saw that they all had an easier time getting up the wall. Jungkook smirked at me and resumed climbing the wall, turning his toned back towards me. It was the removal of Jungkook's abs from my sight that made me realise that the water had risen to my neck and was still steadily rising higher.

I tore my top and my Nike joggers off in a frenzy, leaving me in just a sports bra, pants and trainers. I didn't even care that I was in a room full of teenage boys; this was a life or death situation. After blowing the water away from my lips, I attempted to grab the first pipe again and used my arms to pull my body weight up. I flinched continuously from the deep cut on my hand but was able to stretch my arm long enough to grab hold onto the second pipe without dropping back into the water. I laughed to myself as I was thankful for Jungkook's advice and continued to climb up the pipes. However, the sound of two people squabbling above me caused me to slow my movements so I could listen closely.

"Smart to take this opportunity to become a fucking pervert Jungkook" I looked up to catch Jimin glaring at Jungkook. 

"Do you want to suggest another way I could have done it then?" Jungkook snapped back. He rolled his eyes and climbed up the last pipe. 

"Still trying to get smart with me, aren't you? You flashing your abs will not get Y/N to like you. She fucking hates you and she will never be fooled by an idiot like you" Jimin spat. 

"I know you like Y/N a lot... and I don't blame you but you need to stop letting your romantic emotions get the best of you; especially when you know that she doesn't see you the same" Jungkook teased. Jimin's face darkened into what looked like the colour of a ripe tomato and his eyes lit up with anger. 

"You don't know anything about Y/N; all you did was bully and harass her for years. I love her and I know I can treat her right" Jimin growled, his hands clenched into fists. 

"So why haven't you won her over yet?"

I watched nervously as Jimin leaned his body ferociously towards Jungkook and raised his fist, which was red from the forced clenching. Although I wanted to hear more, I forced myself to stop this quarrel. "Jimin don't be stupid, you can't..." But it was too late: I gave a mini scream as Jimin hit Jungkook on the side of the head, causing Jungkook to topple down the pipes and into the water.

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