Chapter 30

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Taehyung stepped out of the shadows and towards us slowly. His hands were still raised and we could see that they were shaking slightly. He had a nervous and cautious expression on his face as he scanned our faces and occasionally glanced at our fingers on the triggers. Tae wore a simple white striped shirt with denim jeans which was light blue in the light. His eyes flew back and forth between Jungkook and I, trying to read our thoughts. "I am not going to hurt you"

"Well I don't think I can guarantee the same Taehyung" Jungkook said. His gun was still pointed directly at Tae's forehead and he continued to slowly move closer to Taehyung, causing a bead of sweat to run down Taehyung's face. 

"If I was going to do anything then I would have done it in the time I was standing in the corner"

"How long were you standing there?" I asked curiously.

"About five minutes" Tae replied. A shiver went down my spine as I imagined Tae watching us carefully in the dark corner for a full five minutes. I didn't even hear the door unlock and open let alone him creeping into the room to spy on us. I shrugged off the image and turned my attention back to Tae.

"I can get you out of here" Tae said, taking a small step forward. My cautiousness peaked up as if I was animal waiting to be attacked by their predator. 

"Don't you fucking move" Jungkook growled. His finger had flown to the trigger, waiting for the next false move Tae made so he could pull it. I wasn't surprised at Jungkook's aggressiveness; Tae was part of this whole situation and was part of the reason why my friends are dead. Tae sighed and hung his head.

"You have to trust me... please. I am not one of the bad guys" Tae pleaded. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he stared into Jungkook's, however Jungkook's intense gaze at Tae did not change in the slightest. Tae was still trembling in fear making his raised arms wobble like jelly. He was generally scared. Uncertainty filled my mind as I wondered what role Tae had to play in this: was he like J-Hope and Kai, forced to pay their debts to Yoongi or was he like Jin? Tae's shaking body told me that he was more like the two bodyguards, but how can I be sure? He could just be putting on an act to save his life.

"Give me a reason why we shouldn't just kill you now" I said. I moved my finger to the trigger making Tae gulp undeniably. His eyes wondered around the room as he desperately tried to think of something to say.

"I have two kids..."

"And I had two friends which are now dead thanks to you" I snapped. Tae sighed again and turned his head away.

"I never chose to work with Yoongi... I don't even know how I even got involved with this shit" Tae mumbled. His voice was soft and was clearly full of regret from the way he was almost whispering... unless that is an act too.

"Don't think for a second that I am going to believe that bullshit..." Jungkook started.

"Shhhh" I interrupted Jungkook, making his jaw drop in shock. I gestured for Tae to carry on and he nodded in acceptance. If Tae was lying, he would produce a different story to what Jin had told us and I had to be sure that I could trust Tae even a little bit.

"Yoongi and I were best friends in school... since we were little kids. He was a very happy, smart and normal kid indeed. We ended up going to the same secondary school and continued our friendship there. Everything was great until his uncle was killed by police by accident" Looks like Jin really wasn't bluffing about his back story I thought. I could tell Jungkook was thinking the same thing too from the way he scrunched up his nose as if he was thinking deeply about something familiar.

"After that, Yoongi wasn't the same. He became very depressed and got pissed off easily. He rebelled against the school because he hated 'authority' or something like that. In simpler terms, Yoongi wasn't the same person I had grown up with. He started shoplifting and doing drugs, even asking me to join him. Obviously I said no which caused us to have a huge argument and our relationship crumbled to dust" Tae lowered his arms down by his side but this time, Jungkook and I didn't stop him. I lowered my gun, still keeping it tight in my clenched hand, just in case Tae made any sudden movements. 

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