Chapter 7

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It had seemed like an hour and still nobody moved. I don't think anyone had even blinked once. However, it was the sound of a random door creak that awakened the group and everybody rushed to where Lisa had fallen to her death. We all looked down at the hole and Jimin gasped; it looked like she had fallen seven stories even though I thought we were only on the second floor. Lisa lay crooked on the floor as if she was a fragile, broken doll. Her blood lay as a pool at her head and there were a few white bits of her head mashed up into the blood. 

I looked over at a terrified Jungkook: his hands were on top of his head, his eyes were red and he looked down at the crime scene. The rest of our eyes snapped to Jungkook as his hands began to shake violently and he began to pant as if he was running out of oxygen. He dropped to the floor and snapped his head up where we could see that his eyes had become bloodshot. We all rushed to Jungkook's side as we realised that he was having a full blown panic attack. Everybody started rushing to calm him down by shouting at him which started to blow my head in, let alone Jungkook's.

"All of you shut the fuck up" I shouted. Everything became silent and all that could be heard was Jungkook's continued panting and my voice echoing around the room. I was starting to get a hang of 'sticking up for myself'.

I barged Jisoo out of the way as I tried to make my way to Jungkook as quickly as I could. I had experience in dealing with panic attacks from my mum, who took it hard when my dad died. I used to always have to stay home with her since she was scared that if I ever went out, I might die too. Thankfully, after months of therapy, she recovered and we now live a normal life... that was until now.

"Jungkook calm down, you are going to be okay" I took his hands and massaged them softly, "you are fine okay. You will not get into any trouble and we will not hold this against you Jungkook. We will find a way to escape with our lives so you do not have to worry" I looked into Jungkook's eyes and we made eye contact: his eyes started to water but I could see that his wheezing began to stop and he slowly stopped shaking. I pulled him towards me and he buried his head into my chest which led to me wrapping my arms around him and rocking him softly. 

"It wasn't your fault" I whispered to Jungkook. "She..."

"NO" Jisoo screamed with anger. "Lisa was my best friend and Jungkook took her away from me. He can burn in Hell for all I care and when we get out of here, I am going to make sure that he pays for what he did" Jisoo broke down in tears and stared down at the hole where Lisa had perished.

"Come on Jisoo, Lisa would have died anyways because she refused to say the truth" Jin said calmly. He went over to wrap his arms around Jisoo but she pushed him away.

"Do you want to know what the truth was?" Jisoo asked with a raspy voice. We all looked over at her without saying a word but she knew how anxious we were to hear what truth Lisa was trying to protect before her eventual death. "She... she witnessed something. I used to be abused by my father a lot" Jisoo looked away and faced the floor as if she was ashamed of being a victim. She continued: "One day, Lisa came to my house to surprise me for my birthday and she used the spare key to get inside. She walked into my dad hitting me, took a bottle and hit him over the head with it and knocked him out. It all happened in a flash but she did it for me and it has been our secret until now. She didn't just refuse to say it to protect herself, but to protect me too and now she is dead." 

A single tear rolled down Jisoo's cheek and she wiped it away immediately as if she didn't want anybody to see her pain. For the one day that I have known her, I saw her as 'the girl who hits on beautiful men and fails', not 'the girl who has really been through some shit' and I felt bad for her. Her and Lisa must have shared a really special bond and this 'camp' has taken that away from her. "Well I'm sorry Jisoo... she will not die in vain because we will get out of here" Jin said and he attempted to hug Jisoo again; this time, she accepted the hug willingly. 

"Hello? We don't have time for your bullshit hugging. Get the fuck up Y/N; we don't have time for this" Jimin scowled for the millionth time today and I realised that I was still hugging Jungkook and rocking him. His head was still buried into my chest and I began to really take notice of his natural beauty. I hadn't noticed how brown his eyes were and it gave me chills... in a good way. Another scowl from Jimin snapped me out of my trance and I realised that Jimin was right: we had 10 hours and 53 minutes left. Time flies when you could die any moment now. 

"Jungkook we have to get going now" I whispered in his ear. He gave a small grunt and removed his body from mine. It wasn't long before I missed the warmth of his body on mine and the feeling of his soft head on my chest; but now wasn't the time for that. I got up quickly and was yanked by a small hand. 

"What is going on with you? You hate hugs." Jimin asked, his face filled with curiosity and partly disgust. 

"He had a panic attack bro like it was the least I could do"

"Do you think he would have helped you if you had a panic attack? Look at how he just killed Lisa and didn't even say sorry for it" I glanced over at Jungkook who still had a sad and terrified look on his face.

"He is traumatised. Jesus, Jimin, not you too. I would have thought that you would be the most understanding out of all of us. Are you saying I shouldn't have helped him?"

"I am saying that you should be careful and stay away from him. You don't know what he is capable of doing and you don't know what could happen. I just want you to be safe okay?" And with that, he walked off to the other side to join the others. I stared at Jimin wonderingly as he began to start a conversation with Namjoon. Me and Jimin have been friends since we were 5 years old but why did I sense a bit of jealousy from him?

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